Can someone please tell me how to temporarily disable my Avast Free Antivirus?
Right click on the tray icon and choose.
you click with the right mouse button on the icon of avast!, a small menu will Appear those shown below.
select " avast Shield control!" you can turn off all modules permanently or for a specified period of time.
A hint will pop up to comfirm operation, click “Yes” to continue.
Hi. I have also been having trouble temporarily disabling avast. When I R clk on the avast icon, I get 2 choices-unpin or open. Under “Security” there are many shields. What should I turn off?
Right click the taskbar icon
You guys keep repeating yourselves. I may be a newbie, but not an idiot. This is not working for me, so I went into avast, to security, and temporarily turned off every shield until I reboot. Seems to be working for the scans I am running. Thanx anyway.
If you do not have the right click menu as shown then conduct a repair of Avast via control panel add remove
Didn’t think of that. Thank you, my dear 8)