Sorry probably been covered before (but I did search). I am in UK. I had installed Avast! on my phone using a Vodafone sim and then later on I switched to a 3 sim. Of course this sent unknown SIM installed texts to my Friend phone but I notice that on my bill there are two texts to a Czech number that have cost me (which I am assuming are to do with Avast!). I wasn’t aware that texts would sent to overseas number. Under what circumstances do texts get sent to this Czech number? I am concerned about running up text costs that I am not aware about - especially as I tend to flip between SIMS. I also notice that on my online Avast! account it says my latest SIM is untrusted even though a) I have ‘dialled’ my pin code with the new SIM in and b) I am pretty sure I got a message or notiication that said this was now a Trusted Sim?