Thank You Avast!

Hi All,

I would like to THANK AVAST! for saving me yesterday.
It was a blessing in disguise that my previous AV broke itself.
It keeps on popping up errors and disabling my internet access.

After I uninstalled it and research for better AV, I found AVAST!.
So far it makes me comfortable now.
Avast! runs ligther in memory, works fast and detects malware (during my test).
And it has a nice UI too… :smiley:
From now on Avast! will be my partner.



Thanks for your feedback…!! :slight_smile:
And welcome to the forum…!

Welcome to avast! family.

Out of curiosity, What was your previous antivirus?


Good one, you won’t regret it. Most users here think that Avast is pretty darned good; one of the best.
Partly that’s because of the user base.
This forum is an example. I think I’ve learned about as much here as on the rest of the web.

Thank you guys. :wink:

nmb, the previous AV was AVG.
And the problem was its avgnsx.exe file.

I do a quick internet search and I found out that this file
was already a problematic as early as year 2008.

If they have not able to fix the problem that long…
There is no reason I should put my trust in it.

Honestly I am very happy I found Avast!, my new partner. :slight_smile:


tarsm, I recommend you go to AVG support and download the appropriate tool. It will be one of the first two, depending on whether you use 32 or 64bit Windows.
Download and run it to finish off the removal of any bits of AVG that are leftover.
It is unlikely, but possible, Avast might need to be repaired or re-installed after using the tool; I don’t know exactly what it does.

Double-check that the AVG link scanner is removed. I think it may appear as a browser add-on?

Tarq57, I have just completed what you’ve advice.
Yes it did removed bits of avg files from my system…
Thanks a lot.


Welcome to the avast family and forums, tarsm :slight_smile:

Thank you for posting some positive comments.

Please come back often and learn more.