Thawte Will End "Web of Trust" On...


“Thawte is ending their Web of Trust, including their free Personal Email Certificates, in less than 2 weeks’ time. This hasn’t been picked up by the media yet. Seems to me a lot of people, including myself, are hurt by this.”

if the above link is not working, try this

[via slashdot]

I wouldn’t call this a good news. I’ve been using their free certs for a while. Oh I can’t get the Thawte link to work ??? but I trust the source. Remain Comodo free certs, but there’s no possible management of them like with Thawte; there’s also sofware to generate your own self-signed (so not trusted obviously, but no big deal), but I never tried. Thawte was a perfect solution.

I’ll login to their site and see if I can find anything…

Oh I can't get the Thawte link to work

I have edited my post, check the alternative one.

yep, sounds genuine. Funny though as they still allow new enrollments for free mail cert, I just checked. And why were the original pages removed ?

did you see this :

Click here to receive answers to questions you may have with regard to enrolment for and installation of your free VeriSign Email Certificate:

yes I saw the link but didn’t read further, thought it was the original FAQ or something, will take a look now…

edit: no I misread your post first, I didn’t see that link; the page seems to confirm everything.

I read the page you linked to but I can’t find the link to it when I’m logged in.

They are giving one year free with their “takeover” firm Vera-Sign.

yeah, I would rather have kept my thawte thing a couple of years more instead :wink: