the Avast button appears late in the taskbar

the Avast button appears in the taskbar only 2 minutes after the computer starts. Is this normal? Do I have to wait for it to appear before browsing the internet or opening outlook ?
Tanks for answers.

Is any previous used security program fully removed?

Uninstalling other antivirus software >>

Have you tried avast repair and reboot?

Repairing avast antivirus >>

Thanks for these informations. I’m going to try

It is quite normal for the Avast icon to appear in task bar maybe 2 mins after startup. Avast is running and protecting you before the icon appears, so not to worry.

Certainly not normal for me on either of my systems, usually measured in seconds not minutes.

But it is correct, that whilst the tray icon isn’t visible, the underlying Avast program is running, You can check this using the Windows Task Manager.

Thank you for your answers.

As suggested by Pondus,
I uninstalled other antivirus software (I had not other antivirus) >>

I Repaired avast antivirus >>

Now the Avast button appears in the taskbar after 70 seconds.

Just put a stopwatch on my Win10 rig with Avast 19.8.2393 (build 19.8.4793.544). The Avast icon appeared in taskbar 1min17secs (77s) after Desktop appears. OK, that is a bit less than 2mins. That sort of delay is what I have become used to for Avast tray icon apppearance here.

You need to use a SSD instead of a HDD for your OS. I can cold boot and have the desktop/taskbar icons, including AVAST’s, up and working in under 45 seconds.

You’ll be amazed at the speed difference a SSD has on startup. You can still get delayed icon appearance although in my case it is not AVAST.

I’ve always been interested in the order and the speed the taskbar icons load and what is controlling it.

For me it is a Realtek HD Audio Manager one that is the slowest. Yet I have another PC which was set up almost identically with the same OS, programs installed in the same order but they appear in a different order in the taskbar and there’s no similar delay for that icon.

Only difference is the second PC has the same make but different (actually older) generation MB and drivers.

BTW uninstalling (thorough) and reinstalling programs only change the order temporarily, on reboot/restart they’re all back in the old order. But why there is a noticeable delay in comparison to the others for just one icon, whatever that is, I have no idea.

it’ll take longer i[/i] if ‘logging-in’ to os immediately … it’ll take shorter i[/i] if you wait 2-3 minutes before ‘logging-in’ to os. always make sure your a/v is active … before any cloud/online activities … never ‘assume’. have a good day.

What is a/v ?
