The avast can't repair nothing... did I make something wrong ?

Hi guys…
today I download the avast for Linux DEMO and the licence file for 30 days trail…
I’m using Mandrake 10

the installtion goes fine…
when I run avast -p3 -r*virus.log /server
the program can tell me that some files are infected by Parite-B virus… but when all cases the error:

repair error: File can’t be repaired

I read wrong or the DEMO just check infectation?

thank you in advance.



unfortunately, most of Windows infections cannot be directly cleaned by avast for Linux. Generally, avast for Linux will only be able to repair macro virus infections.

One of the reasons is that cleaning a virus not only removes the stuff from the individual files but also fixes registry, startup associations etc etc.

If the thing you’re dealing with is the Parite virus, I recommend downloading and running the avast! Virus Cleaner - a small Windows-based applet that will quickly remove the infection.
