The Bat! plugin

What about the final version of Avast! plugin for The Bat ? ::slight_smile:

coo coo!!! Any new about? :-\

Please, refer to this forum;action=display;threadid=1500

Maybe you can get your answers…

Mmmm, why do I have to get the new beta from the The Bat! forum???

===snip from there=============
Hello all,
developer of plugin released it as pre-release version, so please test
it, if You have Avast Antivirus installed. Final version will be
released soon AFAIK. Go to “Options | Preferences | Anti-virus” and
hit “Add” button.

link: (40kB)

Avast developers created macros for templates too, they are included
in another plugin, which can be added via “Options | Preferences |
Plug-ins” section. This is because actual limitation of TB API’s
handling, Stef promised to improve this, so one plugin will be needed

Available macros:
%AVASTVER (avast! version number)
%AVASTDBVER (avast! DB version number)
%AVASTPLUGINVER (avast! plugin version number)

link: (25kB)

Thanks and Bye,

Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

Using the best The Bat! 2.01.49
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
AMD ThunderBird 1,2 GHz, 512 MB RAM

Current beta is 2.01.49 | “Using TBBETA” information:



Oops, sorry, I didn’t know about that (although I do know Marek :))



Any news on a final version of the plugin?


The funny thing is, that the macro export is working now, but the logging not yet. Will there be a version with the logging functions. Please!


What kind of presetting must be entered in AVAst to Match with TheBath plugIn?
Thank a lot

As far as i know, nothing special. The bat! plugin uses the running avast kernel and loaded databases. I think it works just like the internet mail provider, you just don’t have to call it specifically. The Bat! will do that for you.



logging in new version of AV plugin is in style (it’s better than before, isn’t it? :wink: :
07.01.2004 18:57:39: BAV_Initialize: avast! plug-in initialized successfully

07.01.2004 18:57:54: Testing C:\DOCUME~1\Temp\BAT19F.tmp

  • C:\DOCUME~1\Temp\BAT19F.tmp [L] EICAR Test-NOT virus!! (0)
  • Infected files: 1
  • Total files: 1

i.e. the same style as txt report from avast!

I sent the latest version of plugins to Marek to update the bat! website.
The official release in avast! edition will probably be in the next program update.


OK folks, with the yesterday’s avast program update, TheBat! plugin went official! :slight_smile: So anyone interested in it, just head to Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → avast Antivirus, click Change, and check the appropriate box to install it…

Thanks 2all,