is it possible to add our own messages in there? u know that page that we see when we try to enter a link that is blocked by webshield. Everytime i try to add words on to that page it only stays untill the computer restarts. Then the page is back to what it was before.
I don’t beileve there is any way to have a customised message for pages you have blocked by web shield. Or don’t you mean messages, rather urls to be blocked?
Sorry I not sure what you are trying to do “Everytime i try to add words on to that page it only stays untill the computer restarts. Then the page is back to what it was before.”
Try shutting down avast right click on the avast icon and select Stop On-Access protection before you shut down.
What is your OS?
Where are you trying to block URLs (see image)?
oh sorry i meant to say umm…
for example i put moo in the blocked list
i then type in the browser a url with moo in it
a page then shows avast Webshield. Access denied
some words of warning and the url and time
just wondering if we can change those words of warning to our own message
os: win xp home
As I said, “I don’t believe there is any way to have a customised message for pages you have blocked by web shield.”
The only message/note I know of in avast 4 home that is customisable is the Note that can be put into clean or infected emails.
oki thx very muchy
Your welcome.