The Challenge

I’m really stumped so I’ve decided to call upon the world’s greatest minds for AVast!. Here’s the challenge:

     How do make AOL communicator go through AVast?

Any hints would be greatly appreciated. It would be nice to get a REAL ISP some time, but for the time being were stuck with AOL.



AOL Communicator???

Are you referring to the use of AOL browser?

Avast On Access Protection Standard Shield module will monitor internet activity regarless of source ISP.

However, email will not be protected when using AOL mail since AOL does not have SMTP or POP protocols which Avast needs.


Believe it or not, AOL has a separate email program that has a tiny bit more control over the email. It is separate from the AOL main program but does not use POP3 or SNMP as far as I can tell.

(If anyone knows of a POP3 emulator for AOL that would be great, too!)