the chest

HIHIIHIHIIHHIHIHIHIHI ;DFirst thing first THANX for th3 best virius protection :slight_smile:

Im new at this stuff and i put all my viruis in the chest, because some of them wouldnt let me clean them, what should i do with them now??? heres a list of the files that were infected …

polmx2.exe (has 4 files infected)

and i aslo have system files infected heres a list


When you have confirmed that the files moved to the chest are infected, then they can be deleted from the chest. They could be left there as they can’t do any harm from there, but would simply be taking up space.

Start by doing a google search to confirm that the files are related to a virus. You list 3 supposedly infected system files, these you will find are simply attempt to confuse by using filenames close to the real system filename and located in one of the system folders.

If they were truely system files some element of your system would fail, the kernel32.dll being missing would probably fail to boot. The wsock and winsock if they were correct and missing would sertainly affect your internet access.

kernel32.dll is the correct system filename.

winsock.dll may be related to this

HTH David

there are imho several categories/sections in the chest, one is for viruses, one is for backup of system files: that’s probably what the last 3 items fall under → they are NOT infected, and should not be removed
P.S.: the chest has a perfectly understandable and detailed help-section…

Generally to be on the safe side…
only files should be removed from the chest if

  • they are non-cleanable (e.g. bad move if a user moved cleanable Word-Documents to the chest) AND
  • if it’s tested after reboot, that their removal to the chest doesn’t affect the system’s performance & stability…
    :wink: :wink:

Thanks for the help, i did what u told me to do and it just gave me info on others things like how to fix errors and other stuff and not give file names. Also when i was looking for this i did a scan and it found that there was a virius in the operating system and it might be dangerous. Then it said let avast give a crack at it in the begining of a new reboot the boot worked!! But it found nothing. Would this have to do something with those system files i said about??? Two more things wouldn’t I be able to just restore the files?, and still my comp works not as good i thought it what of been when i cleaned the system out. HELP !!! again

OOOO and the chest does not tell u which virius were in the system files.

thy one is down

OOOO and the chest does not tell u which virius were in the system files.
The Virus Chest is clearly devided into catagories. User file and System Files are only backups of files. The only catagory that your interested in is Infected Files.

I think that was the mistake I made the other day, I looked in all chest files and thought the sytem files were infected but thet weren’t, so added them back in… next time I will read the manual first instead of after… ::slight_smile:


next time I will read the manual first instead of after...........
If you do that, then you take all the fun out of life..... :)

lol! I thrive on adventure (and someone else to sort it it when I mess up) ::slight_smile: