“However, we would ask, before you contact the avast! support team, that you first read our FAQ (frequently asked questions) or visit the ALWIL Software Forums”.
One would think the very body that provides the first line of help, for free at that, would be given a bit of respect.
Sasha, it is not my place to apologize for anyone but I truly regret the behavior I recently witnessed. I am one of the many forum members that do respect your work and your comments. Like many here I hope you will continue to contribute.
Same Here Sasha…I am one of the many forum members that do respect your work and your comments. Like many here I hope you will continue to contribute(From Keith’s Statement Above)
I appreciate everyones help here and this is a forum to help others with problems they are having with their Avast! AV program and/or other situations…i hope the recent situations will not hinder the original meaning of this forum
Yes guys, Sasha is a great guy and a good friend to many of us, he did alot for alwil and avast users and he never asked for anything in return. He has been a part of this forum for a long time now and in that time he has helped thousands of avast! users, made hundreds of avatars and over 20 skins for avast! .
And all of that for free!
I think he deserves a little respect form alwil’s side(and from us users of course) …
Anyway i still believe one of the mods here is not doing his job as a moderator properly …
quote from the forum rules …
To moderators:
* let the discussions be as much fluent as possible - the forum is in its best shape when mods do not need to do anything
* react only in the most severe cases when the discussions are really bad and it seems that the flame war will not stop by itself
* if you need to take some action, it must not be based on any personal favors but only on the content written in the forum. React without any emotions!
* simply explain the reasons of your action but do not discuss about it further for too long - such discussions might be really endless
* mind your power over the other users - and use it with care, politness and wisdom
I dont know what the deal is but if this moderator is willing to debate named member issues or feel thankful being reminded of forum rules, not to forget being told he is not doing his job, he will be first ever. Does not matter if it is only 2 cents, you end up talking to yourself in a thread nobody can read. And you can forget about whatever you aimed at, not going to happen. Just the way it is and perhaps how it should be, depends on which hat you have on… All moderators Ive run into have reacted like that, kind of their job - have to adjust to mod-thinking if you want to mess with their heads 8)
As I cautioned in that thread, I’ve saw this movie, and I knew how it was going to end.
If Shasa wants to pick up his toys and go home, that’s his decision. And as I mentioned in the second post on that thread, I join the large group who hopes he doesn’t.
But all of the 5 star generals on this forum have to recognize, is that the game and board belongs to alwil. You’re not an employee, or part of management, so you don’t have a vote, and you have to learn to live by how management interprets the rules, not what the rules say verbatim.
Sasha fought and lost. Unless he swallows his pride, he won’t be around, and that’s not a good thing.
Yes, its true. The server and bandwith belong to alwil.
But the forum is composed of its members (read volunteers) and “belongs” to no one. Without the members there are only questions gone unanswered.
Sasha has not lost a thing. He has, over the years, gained the respect and friendship of a great many people. If he refuses to be treated like the chore boy he has also maintined his dignity. It is alwil, the forum, and those that have acted without dignity that are the real losers if he leaves.
I am empathetic to all the comments and arguments here, and I agree with your specific comments completely. However, your assessment is philosophical, and doesn’t reflect the reality of the situation.
Unless Sasha had a contract to provide services to alwil, he’s out in the cold for all the time, energy and expertise he contributed to this forum. As I said, he’ll either have to suck it up, and take the beating, or go away.
He’s boxed himself in. That’s what I warned him about in the “announcement” thread, and though I tied to turn the conversation several times, he persisted, even after kubekj offered an olive branch in post #27, but Sasha fought on, and ultimately lost.
It’s too bad. I hope he’ll be back.
I honestly hope, that none of the 5 star generals mistakenly believe, that the number of stars they have, really means anything, other than they’ve posted to this forum over 300(?) times.
I understand what you’re saying OrangeCrate, and not arguing against it. It’s absolutely true that Alwil has ultimate control of what goes on here.
The point I’m trying to make is that all of us are here for the fulfillment of helping others and the enjoyment of learning. As far as I know none of us are here for the money (or did I miss something?).
My life is quite full without this forum. I’m sure Sasha’s is as well. If he must leave then what is lost? Alwil loses the value added to its product out of the goodness of Sasha’s heart. Sales may drop a little. We lose a friend and a provider of great avatars. But Sasha? He goes on with life, his business and family. There are other forums he can join if he chooses. They will not pay him for his services either but will likely treat him better than he’s been treated here of late.
I’ll say it again. The forum is its members and nothing else. They should not be driven away.
Alwil management should have recognized this, and rather than flex their muscle, they should have let the argument slide. But they didn’t, and they don’t have to explain why.
I have no clue what are you talking about here… which post number 27 ? He never offered anything except he kept saying “I am the Boss of all the Bosses in this forum”
http://www.siliconvalleysleuth.com/2006/09/microsoft_study.html]szc, I don't know what are you speaking about. Really.
I replied as the second in the thread of drhayden1. I pointed out that the study mentioned is skewed, because it was actually paid by MSFT and there were different products which caught more sites.
So if you call this useless… (I can live with that )
Now where is that offer you are reffering to ? I don’t see anything…
@all others who posted in this thread - I appreciate your effort guys, you are real friends who recognize when someone is trying to help and give his free time whenever he can to help my friends and new forum members. I am little too long in here, few years… gave all my free time and I should have spent more time being with my precious wife and our wonderful upcoming addition to the family… what’s really sad is that now some people that just started to visit these forums are trying to judge about me and everything that happenend… and worst of all, they will try to force me leave ? Well, let them be… these forums belongs to them anyway
I have a real life too…
Again, thanks to all friends in this forum !
Edit: Oh yes… I also wouldn’t say I lost like you OrangeCrate stated up there:
...but Sasha fought on, and ultimately lost...
I didn’t lost. I was just attacked by a bad moderator or Administrator, call him whatever you want. How can I lost if he erased my “No Comment” line with no reason at all ? He lost because everyone finally saw what he is doing
Im on the “wrong” side Im afraid, not much of what scz makes any sense at all. Childish and intentionally provocative all the way. Moderator is simply stating facts which scz could have confirmed in a flash if he bothered. That is the end of that story. Unless blind it is obvious who are not happy about that and throw around with childish accusations which strangely enough have zero to do with original subject! (which is a lost case) I see why Mastertech is mentioned…
Thank you I love you too (who are you BTW ?) ! You are a wonderful person and we all can see that right after your first sentence. Too bad you have to be long enough in this forum to get some rights to vote. We’ve all been through that procedure… a long time ago.
Telling that moderator has a right to remove my reply which BTW contained just this line: “No Comment” and in the same time you found something to “stick” to the same moderator (sorry kubecj, the word is Administrator) in this thread:
I just have one thing to say…its a sad day here on this forum if we lose one of the ones who has helped countless people(including myself)many times over with technical help,avast skins,avatars and etc.
For a while…i thought i was reading a forum version of Sesame Street or Romper Room where all the little kids were just yelling at each other for worthless things that don’t really matter in the real world out there…everyone just grow up and act your age and respect one another…look around and see how things are going out there in the real reality world with all the fighting and such and it looks like we all have a small micro version of it here on the forum
lets get back to what this forum was started for(if it goes on much longer like this…someone might pull the forum out from under us and it won’t be here NO MORE)THEN WHAT???
I just hope Sasha you decide to stay here on this forum…for me it won’t be the same(oh! and for garfield also)
You registered for this forum on 1/17/05, and have 6301 posts. I registered for this forum on 2/14/05, and have 90 posts.
WTF makes you think that your number of posts has anything to do with someone else’s opinion, or that your opinion has more weight than anyone else’s because your one of the 5 star generals?
I think you’ve flipped out boy, and it’s time to take for you to take a time out.
First of all this was reply to dk70’s post not yours… second, I only re-registered in this forum on 1/17/2005 (like I would be able to finish all those skins and hundreds of avatars in just one year), and when I signed here first time it was few years ago… certainly not last year. Number of posts has nothing to do with this matter, and for your information I never mentioned number of posts. Although number of posts can show how much of a effort person puts in some forum. Tens of skins, literally hundreds of avatars, helping in forum whenever I can, and all that for free just like all my other forum pals. We never asked anything in return, and this is what we get from someone who just came here…
BTW, “WTF” inside your post is a curse AFAIK.
Anotehr one… no need to welcome me back, I’ve never left… all I said in another thread was that I was asking Alwil team to remove my skins, not asking you for opinion.
more weight than anyone else's because your one of the 5 star generals?
No way… I never liked the idea of becoming a general. ;D Even while I served 24 months in Croatian army (real war my friend, not some of those games you play) I was just infantry and satellite connections… no generals around
Just some general words, and some contemplations of a more general nature. We all have to stick together for the real important thing here is upholding this forum.
I certainly know there would be some outsiders who would stood grinning and feeling satisfied if we were working this our outlet of questions and answers, valuable insight, an enormous amount of knowhow and comradry into the ground. I know the negatives and trolls would be rejoicing, if they could achieve that.
We should not let them, we should see through their schemes, and stop them in their tracks, if our enemies come from without or within, it does not matter.
I am thankful for this forum, it has and hopefully will be an outlet for my ideas on security, a place where I was educated in av and anti malware lore of a high order.
Thanks my fellow webforists and thanks to the avast team that created this opportunity.
Sasha if you look back upon an incident, it will fade, and then you think, why bother, think of all the people here that need your unique talents, like they need those of fwf, m2, the contributions of bob, neal’s musings, and drhayden’s frivolities and good advice. It is a very good feeling, when someone’s machine has been secured again, and they thank you from the bottom of their hearts. Think of these positive things, and turn away from bitterness.