Is the forum slow again or it’s just my imagination, better, my poor computer? :-\ >:(
Tech your not the only person who is experiencing this problem. It must be from the forum’s server or too many people are visiting this site. :-\
I never had problems. Works just fine for me.
Working OK in the land of the happy kangaroooo
Always post the time (in GMT) when it happened and also the last line of the page to show the creation time.
Loading fine here 13:32 GMT. No real difference from usual loading for me.
But with dial-up slow is something you have to live with. Slow for someone on broadband is Dial-up Heaven ;D
3 days ago it was impossible to log in the forum but only for 1 hour. Now all is ok: spaghetti-DSL is working fine. ;D Maybe is a normal hang of server or the great number of visitors? ???
I sometimes experience slow motion on the forum, normally it deals with soo many people looking at this forum cause it’s popular.
Sorry Kubecj… I have to post more precisely. Anyway, right now, everything is fine again.