The interface froze...

I’m trying to see the Shields tab.
It does not show… you can click forever and any times…

The strange thing is that the Summary Tab hasn’t closed so that would presumably block the opening of a new tab selection. The other one is that both tabs in your image are selected/highlighted, which doesn’t happen on mine.

So I don’t know if this is that the Shields tab won’t open, but rather that the Summary tab won’t close.

If you select a different tab, Scan or Maintenance, does the Summary tab close and allow for the other selected tab to open ?

Things remain the same… I’ll try to repair the installation…

Repair does nothing…

This happened to me before after a BSOD (wasn’t caused by avast). Reinstalling did the trick.

For me, booting solves it.
I still think that there is something ‘fishy’ with avast latest version…

I had a similar issue - I could only see the botom two tabs on the interface (maintenance and antispam).

This version does seem to be a backward step bugwise (for me at least - I’ve also noted two AIS firewall “bugs” with it in other threads)

sounds like some of you guys are living on another planet…no offense intended (really)…I haven’t seen anything going wrong with my Avast install for ages…can’t even remember when I experienced a serious bug the last time…I’m just really surprised with these reports…again, no offense intended; I do believe that you got these issues…but I see nothing here, day after day, week after week 8) ???

ps: same on another system on W7/64 too btw ;D

I had the same problem yesterday, but now it’s not there. I don’t know how! Maybe a restarting solved the problem or maybe it was a buggy update!

DHANESH, could you replicate the problem?
I can’t. Now it’s working.

I don’t have that problem anymore, I don’t know how it got solved?

Seems that we can’t reproduce it.
But it was there, the screenshot does not lye.

Do you think a buggy virus definitions update caused this problem?

Screen shot of the partial interface screen I get from time to time.

DHANESH, who knows… Seems we must forget it…

It happened again. Here is the screen shot…

It stayed like that for almost 30 minutes until i did a restart!

Here the interface froze 2 times.

No freezing here…