The maximum storage size of your account has been reached

The maximum storage size of your account has been reached…

what is this message ??? how to delete files to free some space? whete is this storage area??? any help? thank you

This is the Google Drive storage limit. You’re backing up there. Generally, 5Gb are for free, but if you’re backing up videos, apps, etc. AND you have a lot of GMail, Google+ photos, etc., you may run without space.

Sorry for digging up such an old thread. I am also having this issue. I am not backing anything up from my phone so it cant be Google drive. Any ideas on whats going on?

See Lisandro’s response please - your GDrive space is shared, please look there for more information.

I was not using Gdrive at all which was the issue. AMS uses the internal memory of the device it keeps all actions such as Rec, Loc and Pics and does not delete after device has sent reply. So the reason for this error is due to a lack of storage on the device not on Google drive.

I am not sure if I understand well; how exactly AMS use the internal device storage please?

I was not claiming A MS is using internal memory I forgot to use the question mark. Just wondering why I got the error when not using g drive.

So the message about maximum storage reached is from where? Are you using shared accounts on one device? And no, AMS doeas not store anything big in local memory.