the "new" Rootkit viruses

just wondering if Avast! home has
protection against the Rootkit viruses.
some new cd-records contain a copy-protection program
that may destroy the Cd-player on the computer.
not many records yet has the xpc-protection but
you never know right?

I will advice you to get free Rootkit removal utilities if you didn’t already :slight_smile:

Black Light at:

Rootkit Revealer at:, you can use use this forum to post the log file of Rootkit Revealer for experts to examine:

If I am not mistaken, the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool for December (coming out Tuesday, December12) will remove the hidden copy protection, which is the root (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun) of the problem.

:slight_smile: I belive so.

Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool is also used for removing some of the most common rootkits:

HackDef rootkit, …