The old Blocker


I’ve got my avast updated recently and had a little trouble getting used to it and making it work. Almost everything is good now except for one thing.

The old avast had a feature in one of it’s modules which was the blocker (not sure about the official name). When activated, it blocked EVERYTHING that happened on my computer. Of course the computer would not work with me having to authorize every single action, but it was very useful to scan pen-drives, so I could block self-executing viruses before starting the scan on the drive. Because I didn’t used it once I got infected.

Now I’d like to know if it exists in this new avast and where to activate it.

Well, it’s an obsolete technology of old 80’s… Believe us.
The resident should take care of pen drives and you could make a customized scan to do it (although not each time you plug a pen drive: if you want a tool for that, just ask me).

The lack of e-mail notifications and my lazyness made me not know about your fast reply. Sorry.

I really want a tool for that because I fear that VERY recent viruses might run by themselves withouth the awareness of avast. Sad to know it ain’t on the new avast.

It’s free but it’s not “easy” to use and configure.
You should point it to ashQuick.exe (at avast folder).

Well that’s a cool program but I still think that, even though the scan started immediately after the drive insertion, a file can self-execute while the scan proceeds (tell me if I’m wrong). I needed something to block those files from executing, like the aforementioned old avast feature.

Of course, for that there is the resident shield protecting you.
An on demand scanning provides detection/cleaning but does not protect. Protection is for the residents (on access).

I’ve forgot…

Also, let your USB drive plugged and run Autorun Eater or Flash Disinfector, allowing them to clean up all drives. They would create hidden folders named autorun.inf in each partition and every USB drive plugged in when you ran it. These folders protect your drives from future infection. After that, reboot your computer.

OR! Used Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine it 100% free