I remember someone telling me that avastUI.exe had nothing to do with connecting to the Internet.
It has everything to do with connecting to the Internet, and as far as I can tell, nothing to do with the User Interface in Avast.
I can block Google.com in the Firewall under Packet Rules, and I can no longer connect to any website, but I still have access to Avast, and the Firewall is steadily blocking incoming and out going packets.
So I want to know why my Internet Connection depends on a connection to Google?
It’s very easy to test. Check the Attachment below.
Charyb is right about this. “Google.com” is the name of the rule, and not an address being blocked!
as you can see you have nothing on the column address and Google.com is under the name column"
I don’t know why the Internet connection wasn’t interrupted when I used grc.com, but it doesn’t matter.
If what you say is true, and I can put anything in there, and that will stop my Internet connection, then that shouldn’t be happening.
If you will check out the IP address for avastUI.exe, you will find it is Google. So no matter how it’s shutdown, the connection to Google is gone, and so is the connection to the Internet.
The Avast User Interface is still there, and the Firewall is still active.
You just created a block all rule in and out and named it Google.com. You could name it anything and it will still block everything with that rule.
Quit making wild accusations.
Which wild accusation are you talking about?
how do you determine that avastUI is connecting to google?
It’s possible that the interface as some Google app built in, eg community functionality, and that might be what you are seeing. - ofc this would have to be confirmed by someone from avast, or another more knowledge user.
Haven’t we been there before: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=109668.0
You know how to make a netstat -an query and look-up the connection pid in Task Manager…try that…
Only connection I have is for Host Name: r-053-042-234-077.ff.avast.com
IP Address: Avast! Streaming updates server - so connected to the avast cloud PoP Miami
Why someone would bring Google into this discussion. Google Analytics is on almost every web page globally. That is no news.
Nothing to do with avast av an sich…
It has already been stated by one of the avast team that the google-analytics functionality is used to see how the user interface is used, e.g. what areas are most used, etc. how the user moves through the interface.
This helps to see any areas that can be improved to make the user interface making it more ergonomic/user friendly in future UI updates…
Now this isn’t word for word what was said but from my memory of what was said in another topic, I think it is google-analytics which is the function used to do this UI analysis.
I can confirm I have read something in a similar line here form an avast! team member. I remembered the Google Analytics bit. If the metadata only are anonymized interface preference details, then what could be the problem? Too many users here with PRISM conspiracy fed ideas i.m.h.o. or just a form of trolling!
If you put a photo of your room on line you also send along the geo-location metadata, and some party could know where you live. Well we have that technology now and have to live with it, but that is not to say that anyone is actually complaining about these features…
Google analytics has nothing to do with it. It is already present on the Avast forums as a persistent tracking cookie, which can be blocked. avastUI.exe can’t be blocked and still have internet service.
Every connection you make to the internet goes through avastUI.exe.
You know it, and everyone that keeps up with the news knows that Google is the biggest Snoop around, that collects personal information, and has paid millions of dollars in fines in several countries.
The Avast antivirus program is supposed to provide privacy and security, when it actually allows Google to follow every move you make on the internet.
This is not necessary and you know it. I would say Google is paying Avast for this service, and Avast cares nothing about your personal privacy.
Two subjects:
(1) You have created what in many firewalls is simply called a BLOCK ALL rule.
That is a very handy thing. Anything not in your rules is denied. If you don’t have such a rule, a good firewall will ASK and then you can deny or allow or make a rule from the alert. I don’t know how Avast FW works, but looking at your screenie, I’d guess it’s the same.
Good old reference about firewalls - this is a link just to the last, 4th, chapter of CrazyM opus magnum, valid to this day: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=4426
(2) google.com connection. Well, much debate on this forum, and as DavidR says, it’s there, that’s it. As a matter of fact, if you use hosts file which blocks a lot of google ad servers, you will see in avast’s HtmlRemoteContent.log this kind of entries - because hosts file is blocking it here. 12002 likely means no connect.
HttpSendRequest returned 12002 for: Host: www.google-analytics.com
No big deal really IMO. Even if allowed, it’s harmless, they just snoop and count.
And a request to you or someone. I am mildly interested in looking at Avast firewall seeing that packet rules exist here. Is there a detailed manual about how rules are made, about alerts, about making rules from alerts, that sort of thing. Where can one find it?
That’s not correct.
If you use Web shield every connection attempt is sent from your browser or application to avast’s local proxy port 12080, and avastsvc.exe, the service, makes the connection for you. Just watch your firewall logs Avastsvc.exe is listening on a bunch of ports on purpose, so that it can examine the content for crapware.
AvastUI.exe connects only for updates to avast servers, or akamai, plus yes, google analytics.
Seems like Johnny4745 is making accusations that Google pays Avast to snoop on people. Ever since the NSA articles everyone is paranoid. Its rather pathetic. :
AvastUI.exe is the gui and runs the tray icon, kill that and you kill the tray icon and the GUI (User interface)
AvastSvc.exe is the core engine in Avast
the two work in tandem
if you look in your firewall rule under “PROTOCOL” you set “BLOCK ALL” , this means block all means of communication - the name is just the name for that rule, if you changed it to GRC.com and internet miracously started working then the rule must have been disabled or changed…simple as that!
the reason your internet doesnt work when you block AvastUI is kind of self-answering…
A) Avast might think you have a virus trying to block it, so disables internet connection incase its trying to ‘bot’ your machine (unlikely) B) If you block Avast through its own firewall then your essentially causing problems with its functionality, as it ‘controls’ your web traffic through the firewall, network shield and web shield then doing this is bound to cause problems! (likely)