someone else posted already about that
Yes, but not all could see it… ;D
I wouldn’t call it the truth. It’s just one dissatisfied person’s opinion.
Did you see any counters to the points made by the OP? Other than Melih dissing him for age and support, in spite of his ~7000 post contribution to the board.
All I saw was an example of “If you can’t defend the accusations, attack the accuser” yet again. The technical comments about Comodos shabby way of doing business have been around forever (I agree with them as a former Comodo moderator–(mis-spent youth )), but I thought Egeman’s comment was an eye-opener. And Melih finally (sort of) admitting he convicted him without real evidence. And going in and revising and re-revising the thread without leaving tracks (admins can do that with an SMF board). But truth ??? . Better to pay than listen to the raving though, IMHO. Or put your fingers in your ears and hum whenever Melih speaks if you really like the product.
Hi sded,
Sometimes even a “youth mis-spent” can give you a lot of computer experience 8) . Knowledge about what is going wrong, what is not functioning, and why bug-reports are not being taken seriously, is also delivering knowledge and a sense of right-balanced reality. But facts are facts, I had Comodo on an XP SP3 and I had to take it off, too many issues. I then went back to ZA and tweaked that a bit to my likings. I know it is not the most forerunner technology now, but it worked better and solved the main issues with me, overbloatedness and CPU-weight,
Melih did not “dis” him in any way concerning his age or support. What he said in that regard was complimentary. The part about accusing him of doing something he didn’t do I have no knowledge of so can’t speak to. Some of what the OP said I can see as valid, some overblown.
I recently uninstalled Comodo myself but not because I don’t think it is the best suite you can get for security, it definitely is that. I dumped it because they refuse to whitelist or even recognize any game programs or vendors as safe. I just got tired of having to wade through a myriad of alerts every time I wanted to install, update, uninstall, or even in some cases play the games I have. I am fully aware that I am not as safe now without CIS but at least I can do what I want with my machine with no annoyances or problems. I chose Avast! 5 free as my AV because I think it has the best feature set and protection of any AV out there. I am using just the XP firewall now but if anybody knows of a good silent alternative, I’d be interested. I have tried PC Tools and didn’t really like it because it had some of the same issues with games. I looked at Private Firewall but it looks like it wouldn’t be silent at all. I want something that works like the Norton Firewall and does a reasonable job of filtering traffic without ever getting in your face. I really love Norton Internet Security and had absolutely no problems with any version of it from 2005-2009 but I don’t want to pay for security any more.
“…but if anybody knows of a good silent alternative, I’d be interested.”
Have you considered Outpost Free? I’m using v6.5.1 and am very happy with it. It’s not intrusive and is easy to configure and use.
Unless you’re concerned with outbound protection, XP’s firewall should be all you need.
I think all should be concerned with outbound connections.
Any malware that manages to get past your defences will have free reign to connect to the internet to either download more of the same, pass your personal data (sensitive or otherwise, user names, passwords, keylogger retrieved data, etc.) or open a backdoor to your computer, so outbound protection is essential.
+ 1
Plus, not all malware gets on your computer from the internet. It can also come from CDs, DVDs, USB drives, etc. In which case, if you have no outbound protection, then you have no way to prevent such acquired malware from phoning home to install more malware on your computer.
The users are quite informed. ???
Malwarebytes Developer Interview
It has 2 10 minute videos that are well worth waching.
Those videos are seriously outdated at nearly two years old.
I feel that outbound firewall protection is critical as another layer of defense, coupled with a system monitor or HIPS application.
Being a gamer, I am not fond of HIPS applications at all. I tried Outpost Free Firewall and had too many problems with my games so it got uninstalled. I guess I’m sticking with Avast!5 Free and the XP firewall. I haven’t had a true virus detection in 4 years or more and have never been infected since I first got on line in 1999 so I’m not too paranoid about these things.
Somehow, I feel this thread is in retaliation to CIS 4 scoring a perfect 10+/100% at the 148 test level at Matousec. Just a gut feeling…
Since some here consider Matousec testing standards to be biased (for various reasons, $$$, HIPS inclusion, etc.), is there a better, more accurate test for firewalls? Please don’t answer
Dch48 I don’t have any problems with my PC games using Comodo with HIPS set to paranoid mode and my Network Defence set to Custom Policy Mode, Dch48 all you have to do is set your Comodo to “Switch to Installation Mode” and then set your Proactive Defence to “Training Mode” and set your Network Defence (firewall) to “Training Mode”.
You can install your games and then play your game without going into online if possible, play your game a little while so Comodo can recognise your game installation and settings after that you can set your Comodo back to “Switch to Previous Mode” and also set your Proactive Defence and Network Defence (firewall) to your security requirement defence.
Comodo is not very hard to drive the software with HIPS problem is some people don’t fully understand how the software works it like learning how to drive a car, I’ve used Comodo for nearly 5 years and believe me it very easy to understand how this CIS works.
And it work great with Avast 5 free anti-virus, Dch48 give Comodo a second chance and I can help you with your set up problems it not very hard.
If your sig is still correct, you should also add that still 3.14 is safer than the 4.x version, right now…
Nah! ;D I rather wait until 4.1 before I really do update my current sig asyn…what about you
Nah! ;D I rather wait until 4.1 before I really do update my current sig asyn…what about you
My sig is correct. And could well be I even wait longer than 4.1…
I know what mean asyn trouble is I’m not going to touch their current version until sandboxes has been resolved for a better option, trouble is still to early to drive that version just got a gut feeling is still buggy at the moment.