Theft Aware doesnt work at all

Hello. Im old TA customer so im familiar with TA from “old days”
Samsung Galaxy S2, rooted.
Android 2.3.6 ( Turkbey ROM, CheckROM HD )
TA doesnt work for me any more. In old TA days it works perfect, i instaled it again when it becomes part of Avast and never tried to use it because in past, it worked perfect. Today i was bored and try to play with TA and i was shocked.
I know how to set up TA but, it causes me a lot of trouble.
SMS command LOCK makes Force Close to TA but friend number get sms with info that my phone is locked but its not.
Lock Simulation via menu gives me : “SImulation failed: File res/raw/siren.mp3 from drawable resource ID #0x7f060007

Any ideas?


please specify where you talk about Theft Aware (=before avast) and where it’s Anti-Theft.
thank you.

I used TheftAware but when TA becomes part of Avast, i start using Anti Theft.
Theft Aware worked fine but Anti Theft dont.
All isuses are started with Anti Theft ( lock command makes FC and all described issues in previous post )

It seems that your installation is corrupt. Please uninstall and reinstall.

Its already done bunch of times. :frowning:

Can you send me the from your /data/app directory to

Sure, i`ll do it in next few minutes. :slight_smile:

Just FYI: it seems that the file is corrupt - this is also the reason for the crash when locking. I’ll look at it once you sent it.

There is no in data/app/
But…its instaled!?!

did you install rooted? then its in /system/app!

Yea, yea,its root install. My bad, i looked at wrong place. >:(
I`ll send you right now

@EDit - check your email

Hello - this is really an alignment problem. If you run into this issue, do a clean reinstall of Anti-Theft (avast! Mobile Security does not need to be replaced). To remove your old installation of Anti-Theft, go to avast! Mobile Security → Settings → Anti-Theft Uninstallation Wizard. Once reinstalled the problem will be fixed.

Ok, ill do it right now. Ill post results in couple of minutes :slight_smile:

Ok, its work now. Lock command has been send from other phone and my phone goes locked. Unlock and reboot commands works too.
So, next time when i flash new rom, i must follow these steps:
1-Install Avast + AT
If AT doesnt work i must:
2-Uninstall AT
3-Install AT
5-Remove Avast MS.
Can you please tell me whats goes wrong, why AT causes ForceClose on LOCK command?

Shouldnt happen again - it was an alignment problem that occurs on some phones. I built in an additional check to make sure it does not occur anymore.

Thank you reinhardholzner, i tested couple of times and it works perfect now! Thx once again!

I have the same problem with my nexus one running cyanogenmod 7. Sending SMS messages to turn siren on doesn’t trigger any status bar message or incoming message sound (as it should not, according to my understanding), but neither does it do anything else. Tried uninstalling / reinstalling AT several times with no change. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.


did you enable anti-theft in settings?