They encourage to use the new ClamAV for Windows next to resident AV...

Hi malware fighters,

A new cooperate initiative of Sourcefire and Immunet, where Immunet is doing the cloud-detection:
What do we think about it?


ClamAV does not have a good detection rate.
Why are they asking for that? Can’t they achieve a good protection? ;D

It looks to me that Clam AV has just become Immunet with the Clam name on it. Maybe they gave up on the inneffective product they had.

But if they are selling cloud technology, why would they return to a resident virus definitions one? ???

I’m getting the impression that the New ClamAV is no longer a resident definitions application but is a rebranded version of Immunet and that’s why they’re saying you can run it alongside of another resident AV.

Hi Dch48,

That is very much so, it is just a re-branding of the original service running alongside a resident AV, so the sort of “pirate” on the detection of the resident AVs in that case. That is why there is aversion on the part of resident AV builders, as avast’s Vlk has been forwarding to us his view on Immunet’s free ride on the back of other AVs, it is a cheap trick, although they have brought some detection of their own in now through ClamWin’s signatures,
