I know this is my first post, and I am totaly not happy. I tought, lets do something different and give avast a chance with a license instead a free product. I think people that have a free product are less frustrated as me.
When I bought it, I need to press upgrade in my app. So far so good. Hurray! My ads are gone and I am a proud owner of a paid avast product. Hurray again!
But then the **** started. A new update for the device came in. And hip hip hurray, the commercials are back. I tought, what is this? So I pressed upgrade again, and then he asked for money. When I canceled it, then it was upgraded to pro again. And this happend after every update, and I am not the only person with this issue.
Anyway, finally it works again. But today a new update came in. And you can guess what happend, the ads are back in town. And this time the upgrade cancel does not work anymore. No better i get a wonderful deal to pay extra to get pro again. And have to pay more, then I already paid.
So in the good mood I am, give benefit of the doubt, i removed the app. And install again (yeah yeah, not that stupid, i used my correct google account, it was also till when my license is there), but after installing. Still wonderful commercials, and the upgrade that I still can pay for a nice pro package… (didnt I have it already?)
So i tought, lets call the helpdesk. And guess what. I am now 35 min in hold, a nice lady (avr system) tells me that the waiting time is longer then 5 minutes (yes she is right!) and that the phonecall is very important for us (for avast offcourse).
And now, I want to have a refund. I already filled in the form, but when you think you get a confirmation email, you are wrong. So i am curious when i will get my money back, or what kind of excuses they are going to use to not pay my money. And say it is longer then 30 days.
But this is very bad product, very misleading and also bad support. And to be honest, i did not expect this from Avast.