This must be a joke, right?


I know this is my first post, and I am totaly not happy. I tought, lets do something different and give avast a chance with a license instead a free product. I think people that have a free product are less frustrated as me.

When I bought it, I need to press upgrade in my app. So far so good. Hurray! My ads are gone and I am a proud owner of a paid avast product. Hurray again!
But then the **** started. A new update for the device came in. And hip hip hurray, the commercials are back. I tought, what is this? So I pressed upgrade again, and then he asked for money. When I canceled it, then it was upgraded to pro again. And this happend after every update, and I am not the only person with this issue.

Anyway, finally it works again. But today a new update came in. And you can guess what happend, the ads are back in town. And this time the upgrade cancel does not work anymore. No better i get a wonderful deal to pay extra to get pro again. And have to pay more, then I already paid.

So in the good mood I am, give benefit of the doubt, i removed the app. And install again (yeah yeah, not that stupid, i used my correct google account, it was also till when my license is there), but after installing. Still wonderful commercials, and the upgrade that I still can pay for a nice pro package… (didnt I have it already?)

So i tought, lets call the helpdesk. And guess what. I am now 35 min in hold, a nice lady (avr system) tells me that the waiting time is longer then 5 minutes (yes she is right!) and that the phonecall is very important for us (for avast offcourse).

And now, I want to have a refund. I already filled in the form, but when you think you get a confirmation email, you are wrong. So i am curious when i will get my money back, or what kind of excuses they are going to use to not pay my money. And say it is longer then 30 days.

But this is very bad product, very misleading and also bad support. And to be honest, i did not expect this from Avast.

After 53 min and 47 sec finally reach someone on the phone!
And he could not help me, because does not know anything about mobiles and billing, i had to raise a ticket.

Goodone! ??? ::slight_smile:

Ah before we end the call, he came up with another number, they should help me.
Calling them, waiting for 32 minutes. They could not help me, I had to contact Google Play for a refund… ::slight_smile:

So that means, that avast creates a software, and Google is getting the money. It gets better every second.

But the story continues. She is now doing research where I have to be. So almost 2 hours calling now speaking + waiting. And I am still at begin point. HAHA.

Now I had to call google play, and I did. But they cant do refund, only within 48hrs, so i had to call back avast again.

Nice one!

Calling avast again, waiting again for 13 min. Exciting!
Good thing is that i am awake now, so i have something to do. 8)

Digital river keeps saying that i have to contact google play and google play to avast
And Avast i can not reach, i only get resellers.
What a organisation!

but 3hrs and 45 minutes work left, so i still have something to do during my quiet standby duty.

So still they could not help me, they did their best to help me i must say at digital river. But because it was not made on their platform, they could not find me
And contact details of avast is unknown, only technical support.

Next stop, technical support.

And I understand that people think that i am a idiot by posting every step here, sorry guys, but this is my way to get a little bit off my frustration gone, for all the waiting time.

Small update

Great support from Google! This guy Neal could not refund me, but on my behave he called avast in a converence call, and he experienced what I was dealing with the whole night/evening.
And in the end they put us on hold again, after 20 min waiting we decided to give up for now. He is going to escalate this, because this is not the way how it should be working.

Every number you call you get a reseller, and nobody knows anything. Maybe management that has developt this construction has also a little virus i think…

Next step, social media.

After sevenhunderd trying to get my app working again, it works now.
But still after this experience I want a refund.

Hi Henry, sorry to read of your trouble.

I don’t know much about how the support over phone works, but I have forwarded your messages to a colleague in charge.

If you want a refund, the easiest way is to contact Support from within the app (Menu – Help & Support). I have used your e-mail address to find your ticket, and prioritized it, a colleague of mine will reply to you today.

I hope it helps to improve your impression of our company, at least a bit :wink:

Hi Tereza,

Thanks for your help and also your reply on google playstore. The help you gave there i already tried several times. :slight_smile:
I also recieved a email that the have issued the refund for me. So that is good news.
Also they are aware of the problem with the license and working on it, so that satisfied me also.
So when that issue is solved then I will take a new license :slight_smile:

And I was really suprised how it worked yesterday to contact the support desk. But lets say it was a incident and due your action and your colleagues I restored the faith again, and like I said, i defintly take a new license if the problem is solved.

Because when it works it is for me a good product, but I dont want all the trouble what comes with it :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Hi Henry, thanks so much for your kind reaction - we are used to negative users, who never change their minds, whatever we do and no matter how much we try to help, so e-meeting you has been quite refreshing :wink: I hope next time you get the licence, everything will work flawlessly. But if you get in any trouble, contact Support directly from the app Menu, or leave me a message here. Live long and prosper!