I have an image data of :\C created on my machine and in it there is
information about some virusis which are not real.
Now every time I run Avast the scanning stops and gives info
about this false positive. The same thing happens also when running
a-squared: Avast alarnm jumps up and stops a-squared.
Because of recovery image it cannot be changed by removing or deleting
of some false positives there. And that means that every time I run
avast or a-squared the scanning stops to that point.
If there is not really any way to get around this stopping in avast free version
I am going to dump it right a way and not recommending it anybody.
Can things be that stupid? I am really angry and upset.
For the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning):
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…
For the other providers (on-demand scanning such as the screen-saver or the Simple User Interface):
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon, click Program Settings.
Go to Exclusions tab and click on Add button…
You can use wildcards like * and ?.
But be careful, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.
RejZoR’s comment relates to the topic Title (This stupid system of stopping scanning after the first virus finding), requiring interactive user input on virus detection with the Home version.
The exclusions work; if they don’t work for you, you must have entered a wrong mask.
What exactly did you put into the list of exclusions? What exactly is shown in the “Virus found” dialog? (you can copy&paste it from there)
The ‘all future scannings’ require the Exclusion lists.
The actual scanning, if the detection is excluded, will be kept only for the actual session. Next scanning, in the Home version, the alert will be back.