I just installed Avast 5 for the first time. Ran the scan which found 3 threats. No matter which options I choose to deal with the 3 threats, the APPLY button is grayed out. Please help. WinXP SP3
1.do boot time scan
2.clear your temp files:http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
3.do a dr.web cure it scan:http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit/?lng=en
4.scan your system for rootkits:http://www.usec.at/rootkit.html
5.scan with mbam:http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php
6.post a Hijack Hunter log in this topic:http://www.novirusthanks.org/products/hijack-hunter/
7.we will provide a cleaning script,you should run it with Threat Killer:
Using Hijack Hunter:
1.after downloading install the program
2.from the gui press scan
3.post the log here or attach it
4.the restorer page contain helpful resources to fix policies related problems.
This is because this is the report file, showing historic events on completion of the scan and will show what automated action has been taken already.
On your scan there are automated actions for the scans to send the infected files to the chest (avastUI, Maintenance, Virus Chest), so the files won’t actually be there so no action can be applied, hence the greyed out Apply button. So check the avast chest and you should see the files in there ?
What is the malware name, infected file name, where was it found e.g. (malware name, C:\windows\system32\infected-file-name.xxx) ?
Or it is due to the fact the scanning is running yet (and did not finish). Just a guess…
Well if the scan isn’t running yet or hasn’t finished, then there would be no results/report list/file displayed and that is the only place there is an Apply button that I’m aware of.
Isn’t the log at “Scan logs” folder yet?
Sorry I don’t know where you are looking, as far as I’m aware the Results list is only displayed after a scan has been completed, if there is either a detection or files that can’t be scanned.
If they have run a scan and not closed the UI then they should be able to recall the Results, but that too would be what I mentioned historical data and the Apply button wouldn’t do anything.
However, as you said “Or it is due to the fact the scanning is running yet (and did not finish). Just a guess…” then that wouldn’t be the case.
Ok. Got it.
Thanks for the response to my problem. I must correct what I stated in my original request. The “APPLY” button stays grayed out only if ALL of the threats use the option of “do nothing.” Otherwise, the APPLY button turns light green and is active. It is so light a green on my computer that it looked like it was still grayed out.
One other comment – I put a file into the Exclusions list and accidentally mistyped it as C:\etc instead of C:\etc. Apparently there is no check for validity of what is typed in for I got no error and the next scan still showed the file as a virus. Of course, this won’t happen if one uses the Browse option to find the file to put into Exclusions.
Thanks again. Great forum and quick response.
You’re welcome.
There are cases when \ would be a valid input I think it relates to networked drives or some such, but yes it would be handy if it did a check on the path. However, you can navigate to the location using the Browse button (and not have to type the full path), that just goes to folder level and you would then need to edit that entry, changing the end * to \file_name.exe, etc.