Threat Secured pop up keeps coming on screen!!!

For over a week now the notice…Threat Secured…Moved Urgent Order(the name of it) to Virus Chest because it was infected This keeps poppig up on my screen and won’t stop. I scan and it shows nothing. Almost feel like this is Avast attempting to get you to pay more to upgrade.

post screenshot … or write all info from the avast popup message

Moved Urgent Order(the name of it) to Virus Chest because it was infected
Guessing this is a problem related to your mail client ... popup message will tell

If so this may fix it

  1. access your mail account from webmail and delete detected mail if still there
  2. clear sync cache in your mail app/client and reboot

Here is a picture

If I go through with the scan it tells me my computers Performance is not up to par and then it directs me to Pay more so Avast can make sure my computer’s Performance is at it’s best.

It is just an additional avast program they want to sell you.
Avast CleanUP >>

If you dont want it, ignore it

It won’t stop popping up on my screen. It comes up non stop. I can’t get rid of it

I assume you mean the avast warning pop up ? … and not avast clean up ?

Did you try my suggestion posted above?

  1. access your mail account from webmail and delete detected mail if still there
  2. clear sync cache in your mail app/client and reboot

I don’t follow what you are suggesting to do.

access your mail account from webmail and delete detected mail if still there…If this means my email acct there is nothing in there.

clear sync cache in your mail app/client and reboot…Not sure what this means.

I appreciate the help

clear sync cache in your mail app/client and reboot....Not sure what this means.
How do you read your mail?

-do you use your browser and log in? (web mail)
-do you use a mail program like outlook / thunderbird? (mail app / mail client)

when avast warning pop up, does it say at top what shield that is detecting?

Only AOL
The alert is telling me that Seagate backup drive has a virus. But, again, the only thing that leads me to is Avast attempting to sell me something. I can’t work with this popping up all day. It just popped up 4 times while I wrote this

Follow instructions here >>

attach the requested logs (there are pictures telling how to attach)

a malware expert will then assist you. Tools used will be removed when he is finish

any questions, just ask