I’m new to Avast and this forum. Having installed Avast everything is working fine except when I press the “Get Mail” button in Thunderbird. Then I get an unknown (as in no error text displayed) POP3 error displayed. If I disable the Avast email checking this problem goes away. I assume that with Avast checking my mail it is acting as a POP3 server for Thunderbird and I assume it is Avast that is not responding to Thunderbird when I press “Get Mail”. If I leave Thunderbird to download my email automatically then I get all my email. It is only when I know an email is waiting for me and I press “Get Mail” that the problem occurs. With AVG Free I never experienced a problem like this.
Could someone tell me if this is a common problem and whether or not there is a solution to it? I did a search of the forum before posting this and couldn’t find the same issue, but then I got a lot of hits about Avast email configuration so I may have missed it.
Does your email use SSL? Which TB version are you using? When you use the dropdown list from “Getmail”, what message do you get? Is it not working for any of your accounts? Haven’t seen the problem before and don’t have it when I use TB. Avast! is just a transparent localhost proxy that intercepts mail coming to you and scans it, passes it on to TB. When you manually retrieve mail from the TB account “read messages”, does that work for you?
Thanks for the reply. The Avast software said to disable SSL as it couldn’t deal with mail if SSL is enabled, so I did that. The message I got gave no text other than to say there was an error with the yahoo pop server. The exact text is
An error occurred with the POP3 mail server. Mail server pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk responded:
Usually when the yahoo pop server lookup has failed in the past I’ve always received a message such as “server is busy” or “server did not respond”. In this case I got no text at all except to say that there was a problem with the yahoo pop server. But when I disable Avast email checking I get no errors from the yahoo pop server at all. It doesn’t matter whether I enable SSL in Thunderbird or not, it just works. But enable Avast email checking again and I get the message again. But when I leave Thunderbird to download mail on it’s own I get mail. Just not when I press the “Get Mail” button.
With my googlemail account I get no errors with Avast enabled.
I’m wondering if Avast is checking the wrong POP3 server for some reason i.e. .com instead of .co.uk but if that is the case I don’t see how downloads work OK when I just leave Thunderbird to download mail automatically?
What port does your yahoo account use for pop3 mail? Is it different for ssl and unencrypted-how do you tell yahoo it is encrypted? If you enable ssl in TB, Avast! can’t scan your encrypted mail and should just pass it on. Take a look under the mail shield/expert settings/ssl accounts and make sure the yahoo account is listed there with the correct port and encryption (SSL vs TLS).
I use Thunderbith no problem with Avast, in fact I switched from Outlook to Thunderbird with Outlook just because he sent me the 100% CPU with the process AvastSvc and everything works perfectly with Thunderbird is POP3 and IMAP