Thunderbird Setup

Hi All,
I’m trying to set up Thunderbird to work with an email address on a domain that I own. When I check my email, Thunderbird gives the error message “TLS not supported by avast mail scanner”. I’ve done some searches, but haven’t found a clear answer. Has anyone else faced this?

My Details:
Win XP Pro SP3
Avast! 4.8 Pro
Thunderbird 3.0
My web host is MediaTemple, and I’m on the gridserver (gs) plan.

Thanks in Advance,

Avast can not scan secure mail (SSL / TLS)
Forum search:

Avast can not scan secure mail (SSL / TLS)
...yeah, we're on avast 4 here, heard of Stunnel ?

with stunnel installed and properly configured, avast will scan any mail. A better option is to switch to avast 5 beta that integrates an ssl proxy. In both cases, the mail client account must be set to non-ssl ports, and either stunnel, or avast itself in V5 will do the rest, ie reroute to ssl ports when required.
@ the OP: If you decide to stick to V4, and use Stunnel, don’t forget to uncheck “ignore local connection” in the advanced email scanner settings. Depending on your email account type, you might have a hard time configuring Stunnel, it’s easy with Gmail but you seem to use a personal non-standard mail system, so I’d suggest again that you switch to V5 beta, available on the forums.

Thanks to both. I’m going to try to set up stunnel over the weekend.