Ticket response times

Good morning,

I launched a ticket nearly 5 days ago. Ticket number 51686.
I am going overseas on Friday so I would really like to get this problem solved by then. The problem is that I was charged $89.99AUD for a subscription I had already cancelled though the customer portal.
Is there any reason for the long hold up on my ticket?
I have not added anything or updated anything so it should not have moved in the queue.


Hi Christine, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Normally it can take up to 10 working days before a Ticket is handled.
I am no Avast employee, and I can’t promise you anything, but what I will do is trying to get attention from Avast to this.

Greetz, Red.

Thank you for your reply Rednose :slight_smile:

10 working days is a long time to wait for a problem to be addressed -_-’ I hope it is quicker than that lol…
If only they had some kind of billings phone number I could ring.
This is the first time I’ve ever had to get help from Avast, I didn’t realise how annoying it was to get some kind of response from them.
I don’t want to still be dealing with this when I’m trying to enjoy my holiday…

10 days isn’t long at all.
It is a perfectly normal time period.

People should learn (again) what patience is and can do.

Excuse me Eddy.

10 days is a long time when you have $90 taken from your credit card for no apparent reason. I don’t just have all this money to throw around while Avast take off with it for a week or more. Good on you for having money to throw around, but I do not.

The money was taken off my credit card without permission. As far as I’m concerned, money taken without permission should be returned as soon as possible.

It’s just common sense really.

money taken without permission should be returned as soon as possible.
That is exactly what avast will do if you are entitled for a refund.

Have you checked if the auto-renewal really is disabled ?

Yes. It has been disabled. I disabled it ages ago and I still have the confirmation e-mail.

We have stopped auto-renewal for your avast! security
Dear Christine xxxxxxx,

We have stopped your avast! Premier - 3 PCs, 1 Year subscription Auto-Renewal service.

Your current security subscription will remain active until the expiration date (December 21, 2014). At that time you will have to manually renew, or your security subscription will be cancelled and your license will expire.

If you do not renew manually, your PC and any sensitive or personal information could be exposed to the latest security threats and privacy issues! Please renew to stay secured. We can easily extend your current subscription so you won’t lose a single day of protection.

Did you perhaps have (or had) installed a trial of one of the paid versions ?

Nope 8)

It could have been that was the case.
You would not be the first one who had installed a trial and did not pay attention to the terms for it :wink:

Just to make sure, you did check today if the automatic renewal is disabled ?
And you (or someone there) had never bought a new/other license ?

Let’s stop assuming for a while, shall we? :smiley:

Christine7, it is impossible to charge you once you disable the auto-renewal. As you got charged nevertheless, the common scenarios are:

  • You have more than one subscription registered and cancelled auto-renewal only for one of them.
  • Similar as above, the second subscription might be registered under a different email address, thus you don’t get the notification for the second auto-renewal.

I checked your records and you indeed don’t have any other subscription registered under this email.
I was able to find another subscription, though, that matches your billing address, registered for M_____l M____y, email address m_________999@hotmail… .
Do you recognize those details? :slight_smile:

sigh Yes, I recognise that e-mail address.
Looks like my annoying boyfriend used my Paypal account without telling me. I’ll going to bust him when I see him next.

Thanks for your help.

Please let someone film it and post it on Youtube when you do.
I would like to see you “busting” him ;D

Please don’t! :wink:

Thnx to moroni for picking this up :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.