Tivo Transfers

Avast seems to be blocking my ability to transfer files from me Tivo to my iMac. When Avast webshield is running the mac keeps having trouble developing a connection to the Tivo during the transfer, but when I disable Webshield, it works fine. I tried whitelisting the Tivo IP address, and that does not work. According to the developer of cTivo, the transfer software, TiVo uses a self-signed SSL certificate. Is there a way to get around this issue?


please go to GUI, Preferences, Shields, Web Shield, Settings, and ensure that checkbox “Scan secured connections from browsers only” is checked; in the next version we will remove this option it as it makes a lot of stuff not working.

please post here if this does not help.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

Yes, that item is checked. In fact, unchecking “Scan secure connections” entirely doesn’t solve the problem. The only way that I have found for the connection to work is to disable Web Shield entirely.


please what are you connecting to? Is it a TiVo box on the local network? We have an issue with Bonjour located devices on local network in combination with Safari, workaround should get out with Avast 13.10 which should be out within few weeks; maybe it is something similar.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

I am connecting to Tivo Roamio over Wifi on local network. When using cTivo, it is able to connect to the Tivo enough that it shows you a list of all the shows on the Tivo. The error occurs when you try to download a show from the Tivo, then the cTivo keeps getting “Could not connect to the server” errors. Here is a sample of a log file for cTivo (sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to attach a file).
2018-09-02 11:33:38:270 MTAppDelegate>applicationDidFinishLaunching:@216>Starting cTiVo; version: 857
2018-09-02 11:33:38:428 MTAppDelegate>validateDirectoryShared:isTempDir:@626>Creating new temp directory at /var/folders/02/0fx20kr17xb7xkz00126d7080000gp/T/ctivo
2018-09-02 11:33:38:568 MTTiVoManager>netServiceDidResolveAddress:@1719>Got new TiVo: Master Bedroom at
2018-09-02 11:33:38:570 MTTiVo>updateShowsForRange:@609>Initial loading from TiVo Master Bedroom at URL https://DVR-E267.local./TiVoConnect?Command=QueryContainer&Container=%252FNowPlaying&Recurse=Yes&AnchorOffset=0&ItemCount=15
2018-09-02 11:33:44:045 MTTVDB>tvdbURLSession@108>Establishing Session
2018-09-02 11:33:44:296 MTTVDB>tvdbURLSession@123>Cannot establish session with TVDB
2018-09-02 11:33:50:665 MTDownload>launchDownload@1374>Starting 4 download for Meet the Press: Sen. Amy Klobuchar; Sen. Dan Sullivan; Andrew Gillum (Master Bedroom); Format: 1080p; Skip commercials; Keep after iTunes;tivodecode-ng; Program Stream
2018-09-02 11:33:50:706 MTDownload>launchDownload@1566>Starting URL http://dvr-e267.local.:80/download/Meet%20the%20Press.TiVo?Container=%2FNowPlaying&id=64533 for show Meet the Press: Sen. Amy Klobuchar; Sen. Dan Sullivan; Andrew Gillum in 0.0 seconds
2018-09-02 11:33:50:738 MTDownload>connection:didFailWithError:@2269>Download URL Connection Failed with error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 “Could not connect to the server.” UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x60000005deb0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 “Could not connect to the server.” UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://dvr-e267.local.:80/download/Meet%20the%20Press.TiVo?Container=%2FNowPlaying&id=64533, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://dvr-e267.local.:80/download/Meet%20the%20Press.TiVo?Container=%2FNowPlaying&id=64533, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=49, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server.}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://dvr-e267.local.:80/download/Meet%20the%20Press.TiVo?Container=%2FNowPlaying&id=64533, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://dvr-e267.local.:80/download/Meet%20the%20Press.TiVo?Container=%2FNowPlaying&id=64533, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=49, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server.}
2018-09-02 11:33:50:739 MTTiVoManager>notifyForName:withTitle:subTitle:isSticky:@1401>Notify: Warning: Could not reach TiVo!
Antivirus program may be blocking connection, or you may need to reboot TiVo


thank you very much for the logs; it seems that it is the same issue I have mentioned in my last post. It will be worked around in Avast 13.10, so the app should be working in a few weeks.
I’ve sent you a link our test build in private message, so if you’ve got a few minutes, it would be great if you could confirm that the issue no longer occurs with the new version.

Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek

Thank you. The new version does indeed appear to resolve the issue.


Anything specific we should be aware of in the meantime on this issue? Any popular apps that would be affected?

It is hard to say. So far we have encountered this when something tried to access devices on local network (eg. printer, tivo box), but we know it is generally applicable. It causes ipv6 connects to any web or mail port fail with errno 65 and ipv4 connects with errno 49. It is caused by new syscall connectx() introduced by Mac OS X 10.11 to be by design incompatible with standard method of intercepting connections in some cases. We have reported this to Apple, but do not see a way how this could be fixed. We have a workaround prepared, but that won’t fix it reliably. It is luckily very rare, as the syscall is mac specific, so most of the software uses standard connect() syscall.