IceSword is a remarkably effective tool against rootkits. IceSword is available only in Chinese language. Who of our Chinese avast forum members knows it or uses it, and wants to tell us about it.
The author of this stable Chinese rootkit detection tool is known as “pjf”. No rootkit so far could pass the IceSword kernel. Malcreats start to analyze it, because it is a threat to them.
Just a question, that particular way of signing in on the Castlecops forum is that effective against spam? Just wondering, because spotted another spam incident here just the other day, but the moderators were very quicxk to remove it.
My apologies to you for that one link not working, the other link probably gave enough of information how to work this program. Alas linkrot is something we have to live with nowadays, the Internet sometimes feels like quicksand.
That kind of registering using capture (‘captua’ not just signing in) should stop bots from registering and spamming, but will do nothing to stop drive by spamming that is generally the issue human registering and posting a few posts.
The current forum registration is a two step process 1) register for membership including an email address, 2) you are then sent an email with the final step, an activation code.
This ensures a real email has to be given so the second step can be received allowing activation. I know this isn’t much to use a throwaway email, but that has to be better than a single step process and effectively blocks bots, but not a determined drive by spammer, that requires users to report all spam.
Yes, the internet is in some cases getting more difficult to access, but having to register at a site just to access the information and not to post is crazy how many forums would you have to register at if they all implemented this practice,
I agree with David and it still will not stop the individual who intends to peddle
his/her smut even if it only lasts a few seconds. Unfortunately, that’s how this person gets his/her jollies.