today avast crashes always, when virus should be moved to chest ???

today avast is crashing always when found malware . . . ?

First it was a new apple-Trojan (GetShell-E) ( it crashed when moving to chest )

Then restart it was a win-32-GL-virus ( it crashed when moving to chest )

Then restart again ( now running 3rd attempt ).

Are the kernel-files somehow corrupted ? How can I find this out ?

( in the beginning before avast starts - avast is moaning about missing stale-lock file ( never had that before ?!
seems that some file is removed - but not by me ??? )

  • what should I do best ? re - install ? )

Thank you for answer.

It is Home Edition Version 1.3.0 ( Linux )

seems to be solved now - only by that I did not move to chest any more.
instead I “deleted all” files in chest, because it seems to be a new variant
of an Apple-Trojan with name “GetShell-E” , which caused always avast
to crash ?

So this question is not solved entirely, because avast remains then
vulnerable, when one does not pay attention. I had to re-new license-key too.

Congrats on Solving your problem. Without more detail, like what Distro you’re running, some info on the version of Avast, very difficult to help you.

Have fun out there ;D

Mate, if we have no information, we can’t do anything. You’re either trying to waste our precious time by not complying with Standard Forum Etiquette, or you’re just stupid, the choice is obviously yours. :wink:

"avast remains then vulnerable"
Impossible for Avast to be vulnerable, your Operating System maybe, if your using Linux possibly 'Vulnerable' under extreme situations, however in no way, and I must make this [u]Crystal Clear[/u], can [b]Avast4linuxworkstations Cause a Vulnerability[/b]

Kind Regards,


Hi and sorry, - I was somewhat “fixated” by that problem how to avoid it, that chest of freeAvast is crashing always - yes it looks “stupid” when you are “fixated” by a problem or somehow trying not to panic at least.

Yes it is Ubuntu 12.10 here ( resp. pearlinux 7.0.1 ) with freeAvast ( installed as *.deb - package )

Today the update-server seems to be overloaded - it is not working with updating the virus-files. The new and broken 400.vps-file seems to be corrupted.

So I downloaded the 400.vps - file manually with wget - deleted the corrupted 400.vps - file and renamed the downloaded - file to 400.vps

  • now anything works again.
"... So I downloaded the 400.vps - file manually with wget - deleted the corrupted 400.vps - file and renamed the downloaded - file to 400.vps"
It's a very sloppy solution I know.

I have to ‘eat my own words’, … :-[
With Avast4linux being so unstable I’m considering uninstalling due to risk to my system.


Hey ! - it is not your fault - and you are on the wrong trail !

It happens now and then, that download-center of avast is down, because of too many connections. So there is not really a “risk” like you might fear …

one can only “manipulate” when he/she knows the admin password - and there is no else way to manipulate files like those of - so avast
is really safe. And when you have a password with 40 to 60 ciphers ( at best as own “password-guarding-worm” … ) then you are really on the safe side.

Thanks dschinn1001. 8) :wink:

What I was refering is that PCLinuxOS is a ‘Rolling Release’. For example we don’t get a Major release, like 'buntu’s.
It’s evolving constantly, although there are Major releases with pclos, if you install it long after the release you’ll have heaps of updates. I think I installed mid 2011, and I just update new packages out of Synaptic. We are a bit spoilt. :wink:

Packages are built specifically for the distro.
Installing programs outside of the repos is not encouraged, but of course when advanced enough you can, but need to be aware of interaction with other programs, and the installed kernel.
It’s to provide stability, you can always put in a request to have a program packaged and put into the repos.

If Avast4Linux was to fail, it could possibly destroy my istallation of PCLinuxOS, as it’s not packaged for pclos, but as you say:

"...It happens now and then, that download-center of avast is down, because of too many connections."