Hi, I always submit files to AVAST directly through virus chest. Sometimes if I find that not sufficient enough, I will turn to email submission.
But I notice that recently the malwares submitted will never be detected, which are definitely malwares cause many AVs detects them on VT. I wonder if I am blocked by AVAST server.
I’m wondering what’s the most efficient way to submit samples.
And again, I suggest AVAST to build a webpage for online submission, which a lot of security company have made that. :-X
From what I have gathered, one problem lies in the fact that their labs get literally buried in submissions, many of which are not malware at all. So they have to prioritize submissions, some move to the front of the line, some to the back.
Also, some vendors flag certain things that others refuse to, in order to pad their detection numbers, that could possibly result in some of what you are seeing.
And some malware has a new signature every day, every hour, and even every new copy that gets spread, making signatures pointless in some cases. That has to be dealt with via heuristics and behavioral methods, and Avast! is “light” in that department, trying to make for as effective a detection rate as possible without lots of FPs or HIPS-like pop-up questions that only an educated user can answer correctly anyway.
As to your question, you already know the 2 most efficient means of submission, there isn’t anything you are not aware of (unless I am also unaware of it).