Tool tips for large files in Windows Explorer / Free Commander slow down system

When I scroll through a file list in Windows Explorer or the alternative file manager Free Commander, and the folder contains big files (some 10 MB), in Windows Explorer it is not possible to switch to another program via the task bar for up to 10 seconds, in Free Commander the scrolling is being stopped frequently and the program doesn’t react for up to 10 seconds.

I found that the File System Shield is scanning these large files. This is probably because the tool tips with file information are enabled in both programs. When either the File Shield System or the tool tips are disabled the problem doesn’t appear. It seems that the File Shield System scans the hole file for the file information being showed in a tool tip.
Since I cannot disable the File System Shield I have to disable the tool tips to stop that annoying behavior.

I want the helpful tool tips in my file managers back. Is there a solution?

Windows XP SP3
Avast 6.0.1021 (the problem was already with v5)

I reported a similar problem here

I’ve noticed this as well in XP SP3, on several different machines.

File System Shield REALLY slows down browsing of folders when it contains large files and archives (might only be scanning .EXE files, not sure). Avast wants to scan every file in the folder and hangs as you describe until done. It appears not to be scanning only on demand.

This is with default settings.

How did you disable tool tips? I’m sure I have mine already disabled, but Avast is still scanning every file in a folder whilst using Windows Explorer.

This issue is very annoying, even more so on machines slower than a 3Ghz+ core2.

It’s a bit tricky to tell because my system is German, so I don’t know all terms in English, but I try:

In the menu of the Windows Explorer: Extras or Tools or Options or similar
File options
this opens the options window, tab View or similar (second tab)
In the first group of settings (files and folders) the last but two: Popup information …

Since I disabled this, Avast doesn’t slow down scrolling in Windows Explorer any more.


I agree and reported before but no positive reply yet.


I sent a ticket and received the notice that there is no way to change this behavior, because the Explorer opens the file to read the information for the tool tips. And since Avast scans programs files that are being opened it scans the large files and that takes it’s time.
Understandable, but still annoying.

The notice also said, that the scan should only happen once per file, so that old filed should not be scanned again. I didn’t check that yet, but it may be true.


Thanks for the info guys! It does only happen once per file PER SESSION.

As soon as you restart the PC, or the virus database updates (not sure which it is) you are back to square one.

Thanks for the tool tips info, I have already disabled my tool tips but still have the problem in Explorer. Tools->Folder Options->View->Show Pop-up description for folder and desktop items. This is un-ticked.

Other on demand virus scanners don’t have this issue from what I can tell; but they have other issues meaning I still prefer Avast. Luckily, I use Total Commander as my main file manager and it seems to get around the issue.