
I was just downloading something and while I was in the middle of browsing the internet my laptop went black for 1 second and then a blue screen popped up, I couldn’t really read it cause it restarted my computer right away. Once I got back onto Vista the mouse wasnt working, so I did a manual restart and everything seems fine now. Is this a bad sign? Could the file I was downloading caused it? I have anit virus and windows security up? Also, the laptop was hot but, my laptop always does get a little hot and it restarts but never has the blue screen came up.

Laptop is a Dell Vostro A860 just got it for Christmas(08’)

-= It probably crashed… It happened to me sometime too when I was still using 2 antiviruses & when Firefox showed the “scanning for viruses” it crashed then the blue thing then the countdown… then the restart…

-= You may consider checking for errors through Disk Check… My Computer–> Right Click Local Disk C [the drive that contains your Windows Installation]–> Tools Tab–> Check now… → tick Automatically fix file system errors → Restart…

  1. The computer freezes or restarts, it could be e.g. a conflict with some other program, or a hardware problem.
  2. The computer powers down - it’s probably a hardware problem (e.g. overheating). I suggest to check the coolers in the case.
  3. If you get a blue screen, it could have a bug in avast! drivers (but then, there is not a power down), it stops there on the blue screen or just restart.