Logged on to my PC this morning and ran Avast Free quick scan and Malwarebytes quick scan, both of which showed no infection.
Also had SuperAntiSpyware scanning, and it was scanning for hours instead of the usual 15 minutes or so. The progress report was showing over 200 spyware items (usually only around 30) and 14 items classified as Trojan Gen-Kryptik.
Did some quick reading on the net and saw something where someone quarantined the trojan within SAS and it caused a lot of problems. At that point I aborted the scan. The PC began acting weird - mouse icon shaking, drop-down menus not responding, so I rebooted.
Reboot brought up a blue screen, then hit F8 which brought me to desktop. Mouse was alternately freezing and moving, mouse-clicks were not opening files, menus not opening, etc.
I rebooted again and everything is back to “normal.” I’m afraid to run SAS again as that seemed to activate the trojan.
How to remove please? (I’m currently letting Avast and Malwarebytes run on Full Scan instead of Quick Scan this time)
(The specs below are for my laptop, the machine I’m referring to here is a Dell Optiplex 330, Intel Pentium 2 GHZ, Windows XP Pro, Malwarebytes, Avast Free, SuperAntiSpyware)
Yes, both running at same time. Earlier, all were running at same time as SAS. Both finished their quick scans early while SAS just kept running. I almost always do the scans at same time, should I be doing them separately?
Just started reading the SAS forum now, and like many others are mentioning, my PC was shut off for a few days (since Thursday) and the virus was showing up on SAS when I logged in this morning (Monday)
Yes, got me as well that one. - Was a bit surprised as the last time I got ‘infected’ by anything was when dinosaurs still roamed the planet.
Quick thinking as I am ??? I then did MAMB and a Avast boot scan before it dawned on me to first read up on the supposed little creeper. - Many a minute later (that Avast boot scan took forever) it unsurprisingly transpired that nothing was found so I finally read up about it. - Luckily I dont delete stuff but quarantine if possible so just re-instated the files.