Trojan Horse

my avast warning keeps telling me I have a torjan horse.
Malware name: Win32:trojano-1375 [trj] found in file name C:\WINDOWS\System32\DrPMon.dll. I try to delete it but then I get a window box that they cannot process because they cannot find the file. seconds later a new warning comes up. I go through the same process. I have gotten to the point that I have to just move the warning box out of view because it just keeps popping up. I’ve run scan after scan. Adaware, spybot, Ccleaner and probably a few others. Any other thoughts or scans I can try to get rid of this? I have manually tried to find the file avast says is infected and I can’t find it either. even in the hidden files , no luck. This thing is driving me crazy. Looking for suggestions!!! ???

Have you done a boot time scan?

Malware in memory can delete the file which created it so that anti-virus programs can’t find it. (The malware in memory rewrites the file just before your computer shuts down so it’s ready to reinfect when you boot up again.)

A boot time scan detects malware files before they can load into memory.

If that doesn’t work, you could do a double check with these programs: they both have working free trials and catch Trojans that anti-virus programs miss.

TDS-3 (Download the definitions file and move to the program folder.)

and TrojanHunter

Ewido Free is also worth a try;