Trojan Hunter Detecting Zeus 383 Within AVAST

My hubby just ran Trojan Hunter on his PC (Avast is his primary anti-virus) and the scan found a trojan. The entry appears as following:

C:\ProgramFiles\AVASTSoftware\Avast\AvastBCLSfx.exe(Zeus 383)

We are puzzled as to what might be going on. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

guessing it is a TrojanHunter false positive
it is not uncommon that Security programs detect on other Security programs as they have viruslike behavior and contain signatures for malware :wink:

you can always upload and test suspicious file(s) at

Thank you very much! I have been treating it as a false positive. It just seemed so strange, so decided to ask here at Avast. Zeus 383 is a bank info stealer which was the scariest part, but somehow it being attached to Avast wasn’t really making sense.