trojan or not?

avast popup do a trojan allarm, autosandbox.log is:
11/03/2014 23:45:28 Autosandbox candidate: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA64\temp\tmp1E2.exe
[Source: local://*C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe ]
[Opened by: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe]
[Reason: 0x00010000]
→ Result: Sandboxing (because policy set to Auto).
→ Instrumentation: Instrumentation inside sandbox requested File was marked as infected.

it is a false allarm?

Please use the search option on this webboard before posting.

Search for RSA64

I’m sorry, but I did not understand what I can do, can you help?

RSA64.dll is a FP. It was supposedly fixed in the latest Stream Update. Apparently it wasn’t. Just set an exclusion up so Avast! doesn’t detect it.

Thanks :smiley:

That is not an FP