Trying to get support for a purchased copy of Avast 4 to run on Windows Mobile

Opened a case (AFO-665966) back in 11\2009 to run on my Motorola Q 9h global running Windows Mobile 6.1 with a 2.4 Inch display 320x240 - 120 MB RAM. Purchased Avast 4.1.19 PDA.

It installs just fine but the screen on my device is small and I apparently can’t get to nay of the buttons or the config screens.

Support says that they will be addressing it sometime in Jan 2010 and at that time I can get an updated version and they would extend my license. Good deal I thought.

I Just recently came back to check the status and found my original ticket gone. Opened a new one on 4/4/2010 asking for a status.

Got a response on 9/4/2010 pointing me to Avast 5 (seems to be desktop).

I explained the whole issue again about me being on Windows Mobile 6.1…

Still no love from support.

Anyone else having any issues like this?

I have been using the free home version for years and recommending it to everyone I know for just as long. I love the desktop product but apparently the mobile version is suck-age. I just also recently bought a package for several computers in my house, but I still can’t seem to get any love for the package I purchased for my Windows Mobile Phone. I either want my version that supports a smaller screen as I was promised would be coming, or I want my money back, but I at very least want someone to TALK to me about it and acknowledge that there is a problem that still exists (or has been fixed and HELP me for real) or give me a refund, in which case I may have to <shudder. go back to Macafeee for my mobile phone.




wow, no comments and a ton of readers? Not even a comment from the moderators.


Welp… Avast AV gets removed from the phone and my next message is to sales to get my refund. I guess I have to live with some other AV solution for my Windows Mobile phone…


All it would have taken was a response from someone from tech support over the last few months…

Well, the saga continues…

Sent in a refund request on 6\22\2010. Got a response from someone in customer service (assuming) within 2 hours (great response) asking for more details of my issue and they would look into it. Responded on 6\23\2010 with all the technical details they wanted and even a pdf copy of the original ticket that I had opened back in Nov 2009 that started this whole thing.

Here we are, July 5th 2010 and once again, no response at all. I even asked for an update on 7\1.

I don’t get it.

I finally PURCHASE a copy of the software from a company that I have been getting an excellent product from for years for FREE. I have a PROBLEM and they stop responding. I ask for a REFUND and get an IMMEDIATE response for details of the situation. I PROVIDE them and once again the interaction goes QUITE.

I just don’t get it.

All I am trying to do is either get a version that WORKS or get my MONEY back. I mean yeah, it was $20, I could let it go, but geeeeze…

Am I the only person having these kinds of problems here?

I use the free version for years, decide to pay for a version (have no problems doing by the way - companies have to make money) and find that I was getting better support on the free stuff than I was on the stuff I paid for.

All I want is an answer back from someone @ Avast…

OK, Look…

Getting a bit tired here.

I am not asking allot. Please, someone from corporate respond to me in SOME way with either a build that works on my Windows Mobile device, or just make good and refund me my $20.

So far I have had three cases open and all three have gone completely quite. One of them started by a person AT Avast asking me to hang on a bit longer while they researched my problem.

Case # AFO-665966 - The original problem case that went dead and is ‘missing’.
Case # RSB-517949 - My attempt to follow up to see if they were ever planning to really address my issue as they said they were.
Case # XAP-831717 - A response to ME from 2nd level support after I requested a refund.

Really… what do I have to do? I tried nice, I tried waiting, I tried asking, now I am starting to transition into demand mode.

I have a product that DOES NOT WORK ON MY DEVICE and I expect someone to simply refund my money in a courteous manner or fix the problem. OR at VERY least REPSOND to me and let me know what the status of my case IS. Let me know if they are GOING to fix the problem or not.

Even if the answer is simply a ‘go jump in the lake, we have your cash, no go away’ at least it would be a response and some. Being ignored is simply rude.

OK, I made one more attempt to reach support today. Filled out another support form request hoping to get yet another person involved (maybe I will end up going through everyone listed in the group photo :slight_smile: )

All I am asking is that SOMEONE get back to me with a response, and let me know what will be done about this.

I realize the order was only for $20 USD, but I think it is more the principal of the thing. I have had a purchased product now since Nov of '09, a promise to get a version that worked, nothing has come through there, and I am being ignored by both support and sales staff trying to get resolution. At some point I am going to have NO choice but to escalate this to a higher public level and make others aware of my case here.

The thing is that I LOVE Avast. I have been using it for years at home and have recommended it to businesses for equally as long and they have also met with very satisfactory results. This ONE singular case of trying to extend Avast to my Windows mobile device has caused a very large feeling that perhaps maybe Avast is getting a bit big and loosing it’s edge in the market.

All I am asking is that you either address the issue (not REALLY expecting that) or just do the simple thing and return my $20. Not a difficult request. I plan on continuing to use Avast in my home, and have just recently in fact purchased a 3 user back to get started, and it works great on all my home PCs, just not my Motorola Q.

I just want my $20 freakin’ $ back.

How hard is that?

Funny, I had opened another case through a different method on 7/10/2010 and that appears to have been closed out already with no response to me at all. Hmmmm

Starting to get the feeling that I am unloved here.

Case # AFO-665966 - The original problem case that went dead and is ‘missing’.
Case # RSB-517949 - My attempt to follow up to see if they were ever planning to really address my issue as they said they were.
Case # XAP-831717 - A response to ME from 2nd level support after I requested a refund.
Case # IVC-574319 - Opened with [ENG] Technical support on 7/10/2010 and closed already

Yeah, definitely unloved…

Guys? It’s just 20$ or a fix…


Not sure what they are thinking here.

Well, that’s not entirely true… i do know what they are thinking. Ignore me and I will eventually go away.

Nope… I have no reason to go away. I am a consumer that spent money on a product that does that not work properly and I want resolution or my cash back. I am not asking for anything special here. I spent MONEY to obtain a FUNCTIONAL PRODUCT. That has not happened. Basically I am feeling like they have reached into my pocket and just lifted cash from me.

I will admit that I may be pushing things here a bit… but it is to make a point.

NO, actually, I will NOT admit that I am pushing things here. I am doing what is expected out of a responsible consumer. I am simply asking that Avast play by the rules. This is how a financial system works. You pay money for a functional product. If the product has defects in it you either get them addressed or you get your money back.

I do not think I am asking too much here. I in-fact think that I have been EXTREMELY patient with this whole thing.

I CAN however promise that my patience is wearing a bit thin.

I guess on Monday I make a phone call.

The question you have to ask your self is… will it be to Avast headquarters or to an attorney? At this point my guess is that the cost of the call, given the fact that Avast HQ is in The Czech Republic and lawyers that can handle international cases, are both expensive, I will just have to start with the one that gives me the more potential bang for the buck… looks like I crank out my English to Czech translation book…


Well, hello again folks. I hope everyone here is having a good day. It’s is one more day gone past in my life that is the saga of:

Ray Cassick -vs- Avast Anti virus

In fact, I have come to the realization that for this to get the exposure I think it requires, I have taken my plight to the streets.

I have put up a website where I can detail my continued efforts to simply get what I deserve.

What is that? All I have wanted all along. A RESPONSE that what I was sold was wrong, and MY $20 back.

Am I asking too much?

I don’t think so, but if anyone out there DOES then please tell me, because maybe I am confused.

I PAID for a product that doe snot work in the manner in which it was sold to me, so I asked for it to either be fixed, or for them to just give me my money back.

What I received was worse then a ‘NO’. It was worse than ‘poor customer service’. It was NO customer service. I am being ignored, plain and simple. I get no responses here form the Avast staff, no responses at all on the support area where I currently have 2 open cases and HAD two others that were simply closed out.

I am annoyed, and feeling robbed. Maybe because the company I am dealing with in outside the US borders they feel they can ignore me and I will just go away.

I have no reason to go away.

If you want to visit the site I started to track all of this, just in case Avast cuts me off here, feel free to come to the following URL and look around.

Drop by, look around, and lets see what happens.

Hi Ray,

Thank you for your messages via this forum, and in the ticket system. I apologise that you did not, as yet receive a reply. Please may I ask you to check your emails, as I will reply to your personally from your ticket now.

Best regards,

As I am true to my word, I am posting here to let everyone know that the Avast folks have come through.

I am getting assisted with a refund and I will continue to be a long time user of Avast products as well as a purchase of new versions when I get get a phone that is supported or they release a version that works with my phone.

Sadly, after all this, I think my Motorola Q is starting to go south though. The USB stopped working a few weeks ago and it reboots regularly now, at least 2 times a day. :frowning: