Is there any way to completely turn off avast 5.0? I’ve tried ending the process in the task manager but it just tells me I don’t have the rights to do it.
Right click the Avast Icon in the bottom right task bar and choose avast Shield Control and choose “Disable Permenantly” . That will turn it off until you go back and enable it .
The process is still running and using memory when doing this. What I want is to completely get rid of any running process having to do with avast without having to uninstall it.
u have 2 prevent the startup of the gui and the scanners when system boots.
depending on ur os there r several tools, that u can use or even os implemented progs.
may i ask, why u would like 2 do so?
Go to avast → settings → troubleshooting → uncheck enable avast! self-defence module
Then go task manager and stop process.
I’m getting lag spikes and avast seems to be using a lot of CPU, just want to make sure it isn’t the source of the lag. And thanks to Wex, I just found out that avast IS the problem. Oh well, I guess I’ll just get Antivir or AVG. In any case, thanks for the help.
just one solution to disable Avast: uninstall !
I have problem with avast and utorrent; if I disable and kill all process;pb is same; just work 2days (before 1day)
Avast use process, but use drivers, that not displayed in taskmanager…
See Manage, and display hidden device, open drivers Not Plug’nPlay: aswrdr,avast! Network…,avast! Self…
You can test if you can restart your computer if this drivers is set to disable… if you know how to set to previous state, if you have bluescreen after reboot!
thats part of the self protection…
if u don’t want it in memory at all, u have 2 catch it on startup.
(see my posting above!)