Turn off the software updater

anyone knows how to shutdown the avast Software updater from the SOA console?
I’ve tried locally on a client but at the next reboot it turn on again
As already knew, it takes the policy from the SOA console but I can’t find there also in the advanced settings a way to disable.

Go to Network in the SOA, and choose your group. Then go to Edit Group Settings>Updates. Change “Program” from “Automatic update” to “Manual update”.

Dear KDibble,

this is valid only for the avast program updates not for the Avast software updater that checks the outdated programs on your pc (like java,flash, adobe etc)…

My Endpoint Protection doesn’t have anything like that. maybe that’s only in the Plus/Suite

Anyway, my guess is if there is a way to turn it off it would be hidden in the text based Expert settings, I’ve found many of the settings I want in there, the only one I wished they’d add is the option to not have a desktop shortcut sigh

strange becouse there is software updater also in the free version… did you have a ver. 8 of endpoint protection? Only on ver 8 was implemented this feature…
quote I want also an expert option to not have the avast shortcut on the desktop after any upgrade or installation

I’ve checked on others clients and it’s seems not installed this component… (seems that you can add it by run the avast installer and so the add/change feature) maybe this is a problem related on a single client and so I will make a clean installation on this.
Hope to solve by this way…