Turning off alerts

Does anyone know how to turn off those damned alert messages that pop-up?? They are damned annoying especially when I’m in the middle of something else (especially gaming) since they pop up no matter what window I’m in or what I’m doing.

FWIW, I’m using the free avast antivirus/security program on a macbook and I’ve already turned off the alert notifications in the preferences. It still gives me notices every time I get spam email that has a virus or something in it.

I just want the antivirus program to do its job and not bother me about it!!

Thank you!


Not sure how that is meant to be a response to my question. All it does is take me to another section of the board… and no definitive answer.

Best you post/ask in the dedicated forum section. :wink:

Thought it WAS right section since it’s for the FREE VERSION which is what I’m running.

You said “I’m using the free avast antivirus/security program on a macbook” so the forum link you were given was for the Avast Mac Security sub-forum.

The two programs differ and have different user interfaces and controls.