Turning off 'skinning'

Is there a setting somewhere in Avast to turn off the main ‘theme’ or skin, and revert to using the default system theme? Like other programs do, such as Comodo?


no there is no skinning in avast 5 or 6. i kind of wish there was myself but sadly there is not.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, that is a PITA and something else that I find annoying - I’m either easily annoyed (maybe my age) or others are easily pleased…yeah, I can guess. :wink: Not that the Avast ‘theme’ is ugly or anything, it’s all subjective I suppose, but my OS is XP Pro, which the Avast theme clearly does not reflect. Personally I much prefer apps to use my Windows OS theme when I set it as the unified, integrated look is preferable to me. I know XP is considered ‘old’ by many now, but it still won’t go away any time soon and quite frankly it’s just too good to ditch for a few more bells and whistles.

An appeal to the developers: please add an option to use a ‘system theme’. No reason not to.

There is no need to reflect it really. avast! is not a part of Winows so i don’t see any need to look the same.
Current visual design is imo the best blend of both worlds. It’s not plain, yet it’s not as extreme as it was with skins in avast! 4.x.

I think the skins won’t come back.
But if the marketing guys allow, we can think on color themes, can’t we?
We have avast sounds, why not avast color schemes?

I don’t know…sounds are easy to change…changing something like the skin is more difficult I would have thought…

Color themes - I don’t care. Skins a.k.a. avast! media player - hell no, yuck! :-X

If the developers say that it is technically possible, I would start a poll.
If not, we’re losing time.

Well, actually, I’m not at all interested in jukebox/media player Avast4-style skins. Didn’t like them either. For me it is just the ability to optionally ‘lay bare’ Avast and remove the dapper clothing so that the system theme can be applied instead…like Comodo does, and many other apps do. Can’t see anything wrong in that, and I would be curious about any resistance to it. Also, as has been suggested, I think being able to choose alternative colours to the existing ‘theme’ would also be a very good idea. Anyhow, if a poll did emerge here I’d vote for both not one or the other.

Sorry, í really don’t think that’s going to happen. The reason is very simple - a huge effort needed for the development.
The current GUI is not a skinned standard window - it’s just what you see. So, a completely new GUI would have to be developped and maintained.

I see…that did cross my mind actually. Darn. So that’s pretty much the definitive answer…well, sounds pretty absolute to me at least.

Thanks for replying, Igor, even if it’s not exactly what I wanted to hear.

You have so much to learn about avast! :wink:
The best configurable anti virus application IMHO :wink:

Just follow what DavidR’s recomends and he does not run Comodo.

Do you mean that colored themes aren’t possible either?

I’m quite sure DavidR is a very well informed chap and knows his stuff, and from his replies, he also comes across as very helpful and courteous. Nevertheless, I think I can manage to go it alone for a little while longer, YoKenny…and no offence to DavidR ::slight_smile:

Just for the record, there’s nothing wrong with Comodo Firewall…well, I’ll be clear and state that I am using only the Firewall element of Comodo, nothing else. No Defence+ or anything. Privatefirewall 7 is also an excellent alternative, but since Avast 6 and it don’t play nicely together Comodo has made a recent return to my machine. And, also for the record, I am one who believes that the ever-so-awful XP firewall is not the complete dog that everyone labels it. It certainly does what it is supposed to do and does it well (transparently with no overhead). As for me, I’m not all that concerned about programs calling home when they really have to; I know exactly what is on my PC, I installed the stuff, and before I installed the stuff much of it was sandboxed, and thoroughly tested. Anything that behaves inappropriately gets immediately relegated to the void, and no second chances. As most of the software I use I’ve used for many years and am happy with, I will continue with my existing setup without any major modifications thanks all the same :slight_smile:

Yokenny, why don’t you just post what you think as you think it? Don’t mask it behind someone else’s completely unrelated choice.

The fact that DavidR hasn’t even posted in this thread points this out perfectly.

I have no idea. But I’m quite sure that even if it were possible, it would have quite a low priority…

Does Martin work for avast yet?
Who did develop the GUI?

Yes, he certainly works, and he’s rather busy.
But he’s a designer, not a developer.

And which is his opinion?
I think a color theme won’t be that bad. It will allow configuration. Will calm down the skins lovers :slight_smile:

Black and burnt orange are not exactly my favorite colors. ;D