Twitter and WebRep

So Twitter now has WOT ratings after tweet links.

It would be great if Twitter added WebRep.

You must have misunderstood it. That is because you have WOT installed, not because Twitter added WOT. ;D

WebRep is part of avast not twitter. You can always install WebRep.

In order for WOT to have their ratings shown on Twitter it requires the permission of Twitter.

That should be obvious :slight_smile:

Yea, Yea, I think it should.

I will lay out it for the uninformed

Twitter owns that website.

As owners of the website they have final control over what appears there.

Twitter can block users from tweeting and even close someone’s Titter account.

The WOT ratings appear after every tweet.

Does anyone really think that if Twitter did not approve of this that they would allow it?

There is absolutely no doubt that WOT got the permission of Twitter to do this.

In fact they probably worked with Twitter to make sure that the WOT ratings appear there.

Huh? You just inject the rating into the site code. You do not need any permission for that from Twitter or anyone else. Exactly like you do it with Google, Yahoo search results… whatever.

Likewise I will lay it out for the uninformed.

The WOT code doesn’t appear on the Twitter web site but on your Browser, because you have installed the ‘browser’ add-on.

So the code is inserted into the page layout in your browsers display of the page. You can’t change the sites source code on the fly at site level as that would breach the general site security protocols. Much of a sites content is only collated on the fly using content management software, so you wouldn’t have access to that content anyway.

Don’t believe me, then try this simple test.

Run firefox with WOT disabled and visit one of the twitter pages:

  1. View the page source code of the page (which is actually in the browser cache) and see if there is anything relating to the WOT ratings.
  2. Now run firefox with the WOT add-on enabled and check the page source code.

I somehow doubt WOT as every single domain in the world for permission to do this, check this old avast twitter page and there are WOT icons, I doubt they asked.

These links are usually url redirectors. We will be adding support for these redirectors in one of the upcoming releases. Stay tuned.

@ the OP: yeah there’s no such thing like an agreement between twitter and a third party web app running just like that… you either, as a user, explicitly allow an app to communicate with twitter… and guess what, you never had to do that with WOT ;D meaning like Dok and david said that WOT code is injected in your pages while you’re browsing… and just because you have installed WOT purposely in the first place.

Wanna play the expert again? not your first try ;D