hello and happy xmas to everybody.Do you know if u-torrent is listed in p2p protected
by avast?
Yes, uTorrent is protected by avast!'s p2p Shield
happy xmas and to you ;D
yes u-torrent is included in the p2p programs supported by avast…u can see it by urself by opening the “on-access protection control”,click “details”,click on “p2p shield”,“customise” and there u go… happy xmas…
Thanks to everybody.
what’s the real benefit of P2P Shield, since Standart Shield anyways continuously checks file that i’m downloading? Personally i don’t use that P2P Shield. I just use Standart Shield and Network Shield, but basicly just SS is the the one that’s really needed. I think that all the other modules are more or less unnecessary. Of course they provide little bit more security, but are they really needed…?
That’s just my opinion, but i also might be wrong…
The Standard Shield should be classed as a last line of defence as by then it is already on your system.
The idea of the other resident scanners is that they use the localhost proxy so emails,web content, etc. can be scanned and stopped before arrival on your HDD.
On resources used:
Standard Shield without scanning open/saved/modified files + P2P provider is LESS THAN Standard Shield scanning open/saved/modified files + without P2P provider.
So, or you use Standard Shield scanning open/saved/modified files or it’s better to have the dedicated provider.