UI Service stops running about every 5 min or so...

Avast has never given me issues… until the last two weeks.

I reloaded windows 10 around two weeks ago and was on version 1703 and as soon as I installed Avast I started seeing the following behavior:

Every 5 minutes I see this in the Notification Area: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AvTOx7myssBHi8cBCE4geb5GJcOi7Q.

If I double click on the icon I get this: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AvTOx7myssBHi8cDqidJdfQ4TvMt_A (and click restart - but if fails again within 5 minutes).

If I already have the UI open I get this: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AvTOx7myssBHi8cCehnPkEXB4i0WVA.

I thought maybe it was because I wasn’t on the new Windows update so I updated to version 1709 (build 16299.64) [current].

However it hasn’t changed anything and I’m seeing the same behavior.

I have set the Remote Desktop Service to “Automatic” when it was at “Manual” (see below):

PS C:\Users\Conley> gsv termservice | Select-Object *

Name                : termservice
RequiredServices    : {RPCSS}
CanPauseAndContinue : False
CanShutdown         : True
CanStop             : True
DisplayName         : Remote Desktop Services
DependentServices   : {UmRdpService}
MachineName         : .
ServiceName         : termservice
ServicesDependedOn  : {RPCSS}
ServiceHandle       :
Status              : Running
ServiceType         : Win32OwnProcess, Win32ShareProcess
StartType           : Automatic
Site                :
Container           :

I have my whole family using avast and was going to buy the paid version this year, but after this I am not so sure.

Have you rebooted afterwards…?


This has been going on 2 weeks. Rebooting is the first thing I did. I also reinstalled, and then ran the safe mode avast wipe program and then reinstalled. Still no joy.


Done everything there. Some twice.

No idea then, sorry. Wait for the guys with W10.

Is there a way to turn on debugging or verbose logging?

Yes, in: Settings → Maintenance

I’ve got the same problem. Running win10 Home and there is no “remote desktop service”. I’ve paid for my avast and now it wont work - not satisfied…

What to do???

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

Is this a Dell…?

yes. Dell Inspiron 5437

There was a bug regarding Dell, you could try the latest beta: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=15