Ultimate Collection of Uninstallers 8)
Thank you pondus!
This is a very usefull link in my opinion!
You can save quiet some time if you don’t always have to search for a removal tool on the producer’s site…
I also found a German website with links to removal tools, but I think thats less interesting for you.
EDIT: Here’s the link if you are interested in reading German.
Thanks for that link, Pondus, as it should prove to be a useful link.
Very nice, Thanks.
I like
Anti-Malware Toolkit 1.11.204http://www.lunarsoft.net/news/lunarsoft/467-anti-malware-toolkit-111204For several years, Lunarsoft has helped members rid their computers of malware by suggesting a variety of tools. Users would then have to search the internet for these tools and download them separately. The search for the right program can be daunting for some users, and takes valuable time.
It’s a keeper.
Another very good link, Yokenny … thanks for posting it.
and don`t forget, on the same page Rescue CD
Ultimate Boot CD
Thanks for the links and info pondus^^
Anti-Malware Toolkit 1.11.204For several years, Lunarsoft has helped members rid their computers of malware by suggesting a variety of tools. Users would then have to search the internet for these tools and download them separately. The search for the right program can be daunting for some users, and takes valuable time.
You’ll also find a healthy collection of boot disks at: