Um...How do I do a virus scan?

I can’t believe I’m asking this but how in the world do I do a Virus scan with Avast? I just downloaded it and there is nothing in the menu when I right click or in protection control panel that says anything about scanning for a virus.


In your system tray by the clock you should have the avast icon - a blue ball with an ‘a’ in it.

Right click it and in the menu that comes up, near the top, is the option to:

Start avast! Antivirus

click on that and up will come the avast antivirus scanning interface.

Ok, this entry is not there. Nor will Outlook work with Avast installed. I wasn’t even able to remove it using add/remove programs; I had to download the uninstaller. My dad had the troj_bagle worm (which is gone) and it killed his Norton so we decided to uninstall it and install Avast but this program is just a mess, it won’t even download updates.

Anyway, I was hyping up Avast quite a bit but he’s completely turned off from it and he’s going to try and reinstall Norton.


Hi and welcome blockhart,
if you care to come back and try our product again could i suggest you go to every length to remove Norton because it has a reputation of being difficult to remove,and if you dont get it all you end up with a disfuntional install. Which it seems you know all about.

if a simple user interface is high on your list then uncheck the box indicated on the first slide and you will get the simple user interface which i think suits people not familiar with security programs
good luck

The complete removal is important, there are many registry entries left even after it is uninstalled and it often cause conflict. Because of this potential conflict avast may not install completely in order to avoid this conflict. I sure your consideration of going back to Norton because of problems with the next anti-virus you install is one taken by many Norton users.

I don’t think it is a deliberate act by Norton to retain customers, but it does make me think why they don’t remove the registry entries that can cause issues later.

This is a program removal tool, which can remove a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT

Having used the tool to remove all remnants or Norton, uninstall avast and reboot, reinstall avast and hopfully you will be in business.