Unable to activate premier avast license


Please assist, been through the step-by-step guide to activate license but still not able to activate the license.

Please see error message when trying to install it:

2017-03-18 16:25:32Errorservers[5356,4736]Load: file ‘C:\Windows\system32\config\SYSTEM~1\AppData\Local\Temp_av_iup.tm~a05700\servers.def’ has invalid signature.
2017-03-18 16:25:33Errorpkgproduct[5356,4736]Load: Unable to verify C:\Windows\system32\config\SYSTEM~1\AppData\Local\Temp_av_iup.tm~a05700\prod-pgm.vpx.
2017-03-18 16:25:33Errorpkgengine[5356,4736]LoadLatestProdAndParts: product file ‘prod-pgm.vpx’ was not loaded. Status: 40962 (0x0000A002) [Broken package]

Please see error message when trying to install it:
So, is it a install problem or a license problem?

It must be an install problem because if it was a license problem it would have said license code invalid or something.

Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed
If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:

I just purchased AVAST Premier (for 3 PCs). The computer on which I completed the transaction was activated immediately; however, when I try to use the code on another PC running the exact same software version, I receive this error message:

“The request cannot be processed at this moment, please try again later. (-1)”

Will the problem be fixed soon?


Have you linked your other installation/s to your my.avast.com account ?

If so you should be able to assign the license to the other devices.

I rebooted the computer and attempted again to insert the activation code. This time it worked! Problem solved. Thanks.


You’re welcome.

A point to note, the Activation Code acts differently, it has a finite number of uses, where the actual license file license.avastlic doesn’t have that limitation. Assigning licenses from the my.avast.com account also shouldn’t have a limitation provided it doesn’t exceed the number of PC it is for.