I live in mainland China and recently, a malicious software named SilverFox (note: the name was misspelled as SliverFox due to a typo by the namer) has been spreading in China.
However, Avast cannot detect it, and the SilverFox family of malware continues to update its anti-detection measures. I hope Avast can strengthen its detection of this malware family.
Virus database: 250113-4
Here is a sample of SilverFox that I captured today, with the decryption password being “infected”.
Reference materials are below.
(English)MalwareBazaar | Checking your browser
(Chinese)“银狐”家族木马升级攻击活动分析 - 安全内参 | 决策者的网络安全知识库
(Chinese)惊现“银狐”新木马,通过微信群传播 - 安全内参 | 决策者的网络安全知识库
(Chinese)多版本“银狐”木马加密要素分析 - 安全牛