Unable to Down load license after purchasing

I have just purchased the 30 day trial and when I try and download the License nothing happens. I checked in Dev tools and I am getting this message -

REMOTE ERROR request LicenseService startDownloadOfLicense {“errorCode”:305,“errorMessage”:“server.error.serviceNotAvailable”,“payload”:“INTERNALS”}

See if you can get the lisense through your account.

That s where I am trying to download it from. Is there any other way of getting it ?

You should have received a mail with the license that you can use (or at least should be able to use).
Only other way I know is asking avast to send it again to you.

But since the message says “server not available”, I would say try it again tomorrow or so and see if it is working.
It can be a temporary glitch somewhere.
Just to rule some things out, you can try to download the license on another system (neighbours, friend or something).
If it doesn’t work, at least you know there is something wrong with the avast website/server.

If you have/want to contact avast, you need to submit a ticket.
If it asks you for order details and you don’t have them (although you should have received them through mail), use the most left ticket opion.